Our DC has a list that you can name 6 emergency contacts that they will call if they can't reach the Parents. Anywho my Aunt (who is on the list) stopped by to visit DD yesterday afternoon, which is totally fine with me. However when I picked DD up yesterday evening they didn't mention it. I talked to my Aunt last night and she asked "Did they tell you I stopped by today?" My reply "Who?" She says "The DC" The Teacher in the morning works 7a-330 and then the other Teacher works 930a-6p so maybe they just forgot to communicate it to each other. I understand mistakes, but I really would like to know who visited my child that day. I do not want to be "that parent" but what should I do? Mention it? Or let it go?
Re: Visiting at DC
meh - if she's on the list, I'm not sure why you "need" to know who visited.
I would say something to the teacher and just ask her to clarify the school's policy, but otherwise, I'd let it go.
That's what I thought. I didn't say I "needed" to know, I said "I would like to know" A simple "your Aunt stopped in today" would of been fine.
I get it, but they have a lot of mandatory crap to keep track of already - bottles/oz., naps, diaper changes, etc. It would be nice if they mentioned who stopped by as a courtesy/FYI but then the one time they didn't, someone might get upset, etc.
I think I would like to know. Whenever my mom stops by to visit or DH (or if they stop by to pick her up to come have lunch with me) they will put it on her daily report.
Has your daugher had visitors in the past and your were informed by the DC? I think if so, I would just let it go...they probably just forgot.
Yeah very true!
Yes. Her Dad goes to visit her often, but the DC "knows" him and he usually tells me when he goes before they do anyway. My Aunt has never "visited" but she has picked her up before. They did probably just forget, not a huge deal because she is on the list I was just wondering what other DC's did.