
Anyone else experience the attention span of a 1 year old?

I swear that DD's short attention span is contagious. I just tried reading a library book due in a week and I can't get past a few pages before my mind wonders. I have no clue how I got through my college courses. Anyone else dealing with temporary ADD?
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Re: Anyone else experience the attention span of a 1 year old?

  • Yes, but I had assumed it was from the kids I work with.  I can read a book fine; but trying to clean up after dinner is sometimes hard..I forget to put all the food away before starting to wash dishes, etc.
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  • 1 year old?  I'm lucky to have the attention span of a goldfish some days.  Yesterday, I went to the stable and pt my horse on the ties to brush him.  I realized that I forgot to bring my brushes with me, so I walked back to the tackroom.  Once in the tackroom, I got distracted saying hi to the barn owner and forgot to pick up my brushes.  I walked back to my horse, looked around and asked my sister if she seen what I did with my brushes. 


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  • imageKissimi21:
    1 year old?  I'm lucky to have the attention span of a goldfish some days.  Yesterday, I went to the stable and pt my horse on the ties to brush him.  I realized that I forgot to bring my brushes with me, so I walked back to the tackroom.  Once in the tackroom, I got distracted saying hi to the barn owner and forgot to pick up my brushes.  I walked back to my horse, looked around and asked my sister if she seen what I did with my brushes. 

    That's awesome! Lol 

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                               photo photosig3_zps92919c91.jpg Just said good bye Sept. 19th (MMC at 12 weeks)
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