LO will eat meat at school, but she won't have anything about meat at home.
Our meals at home primarily consist of cottage cheese (she's on a big cc kick), veggies (loves fresh steamed broccoli and green beans), fruit, mac & cheese, waffles, pancakes, and almond butter sandwiches. I try to give her meat, but all she'll eat is turkey (Applegate organic). She'll also drink milk. No eggs.
Anyone else's LO like this?
Re: Part Time Vegetarian
My BFP Chart
My youngest won't have anything to do with meat. I am having a hard time finding ways for him to get the nutrients he needs that he misses from the meat. I need to do some research. He eats pretty healthy in every other way though.
My middle child will only eat meat in spaghetti sauce and chicken nuggets. She's 9. When she was a baby/toddler I'd try to hide it in her food. If a bite made it into her mouth she'd swish her food around and spit out the meat!
My LO is a voracious carnivore!
I think I'll try this! If anything, for the entertainment factor.