Not sure this is the right board to put this, but here goes...
I had adult acne that cleared while I was on BC (with a minor breakout every month right before my period). I've been using an OTC face wash with salicylic acid daily, and a benzoyl peroxide spot cream as needed, but I've read that these haven't been proven safe for use during pregnancy. I'm off the pill now and already seeing negative skin changes, so I'm trying to find some face products that will be safe for use during pregnancy, and wanted some personal recommendations as to what's worked for your acne during pregnancy.
I've seen The Body Shop Tea Tree skin care recommended, but was wondering if there was something less pricey that would work as well. Thanks for any help!
Re: Dealing with acne while TTC- Recommend safe products?
I have a prescription for Finacea. I mainly just use it when I have flare ups. It is used to treat acne and rosacea. It is an azelaic acid, which my dermatologist said is safe during should be fine for TTC as well. My skins has actually gotten better since being pregnant, it got pretty bad for awhile when I was TTC (I get hormonal acne on my chin area).
Me:27, DH:28 - DX: MFI, varicocele repair Nov 2011
Post-Op SA: Count- 15 million, Motility- 75%, Morphology- 3%
IVF with ICSI - Stimming 10/4/12 - 10/13/12, Lupron Trigger
ER 10/18/12, 12 eggs retrieved, 8 mature, 5 fertilized
5 day transfer 10/23/12, 3 frosties
Beta #1 11/5/12: 453, Beta #2 11/7/12: 1,013, DD born 7/19/13
they have an apricot scrub that contains salicylic acid, just an fyi :-)