Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Couple of things DS loves!

Just wanted to share a couple of items that I got before DS was born (he'll be 4 weeks tomorrow) that are kind of "off the beaten path" but are SOOOO helpful!

Baby Shusher App on iPhone, I turn this on any time the pacifier isn't calming him down enough to take a nap. For bedtime I put him in his sleep sack, give him a pacifier, set him up in his Rock n Play and turn the Baby Shusher on for 15 minutes and he's out.

Happy Tummi band (sorry, I don't know how to post links from the iPad but I got it on Amazon). I heat it up in the microwave for a short time and place it on his belly (on top of his clothes) when he's fussy or hard to soothe. He calms down right away.

My favorite product is the Snuza Go. Gives me peace of mind (along with the video monitor) during naps when I'm downstairs and he's upstairs in his crib. It's not so off the beaten path but it's my favorite baby item!

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