So this is our 2nd and im just considering names here and there. It seems like everyone has the same names...
Anyway, i know theres been a million discussions about male names for girls BUT i just came up with one. My DH is Kevin, and if I had a girl I think i would consider Kevan. Oh she must have a feminine middle name of course. WDYT? Anyone naming their girl after dad?
Re: naming your DD AFTER YOUR HUSBAND..
Natural M/C at 7 weeks 9.17.08 Natural M/C at 7 weeks 2.1.13
If it were a legitimate feminization of a male name- no problem. My DH is Joe and DD is Josephine (but named after his grandma) he gets annoyed when people think she's named after him though. It doesn't bother me though.
However, KEVAN? Are you serious? That is horrid.
Francesca Pearl is here! Josephine Hope is almost 3!
I don't think Kevan looks any more feminine than Kevin. Maybe Kevanne? Kevyn? Qhyvhynne?
In any event, I don't think it's a nice name for a little girl and I don't like juniors for boys or girls. Honoring other family members is fine. Unfortunately, this means that Petra is forever off my list, as DH is Peter. But I did name my daughter after a male relative ? her middle name is Pasqualina after my grandfather, Pasquale.
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If dad's name is, say, Christopher and you want to do Christine or Christina, that's sweet.
If dad's name is Kevin and you think changing the 'i' to an 'a' will make it a girl's name, that's cray-cray.
Kevan is a boy's name and looks like a boy's name regardless of if it is spelled with an "i" or "a" at the end. If you would like to honor your DH, use a feminine form of either Kevin or your DH's middle name. For example, if his MN happened to be Michael, you could use Michaela. I just feel like you'd be setting your DD up for a lifetime of confusion with the name Kevan (gender, spelling, etc).
You could also use a "K" name to honor DH. What about...Kylie, Kendall, Karys, Keira, Katerina, Katrina?
All of this. Kevan is awful.
My DH is Jesse, so I could use legitimate names like Jessica or Jessa but I don't want to have a child with a name that sounds similar to either of our names.
1/12/13 DD was born
4/9/16 DS was born
9/17 CP
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My dad's name is Kevin and he had four daughters and no sons. If my parents had named me Kevan for him, I'd be pissed. I love my dad & the name Kevin, but I do not need to have a weird spelling of his name to have a good relationship with him or honor him.
Also, just because a name is spelled differently doesn't mean the name itself is different. I will never understand this. It is still the SAME NAME. When people read her name they will just assume that it's a "youneek" spelling of Kevin, perhaps even that you didn't know how to spell the name in the first place... and they will assume that it is a boy.
Please do not do this to your daughter. But, if you absolutely must, make it a middle name, and give her a name of her own.
12/1999: Dx with Endometriosis (age 12)
5/2001: Ruptured appendix, massive scar tissue
6/2005:Dx with Interstitial Cystitis
9/2005: Gall bladder removed due to problems from cysts
7/2006: Officially Dx with Fibromyalgia (age 18)
2/2010: Partial left ovarian torsion
10/2012: SA = Low Motility
11/2012: Surgery #5 to remove scar tissue & paratubal cyst
HSG: Right tube blocked; unable to clear
I agree!
That spelling is much more feminine.
12/1999: Dx with Endometriosis (age 12)
5/2001: Ruptured appendix, massive scar tissue
6/2005:Dx with Interstitial Cystitis
9/2005: Gall bladder removed due to problems from cysts
7/2006: Officially Dx with Fibromyalgia (age 18)
2/2010: Partial left ovarian torsion
10/2012: SA = Low Motility
11/2012: Surgery #5 to remove scar tissue & paratubal cyst
HSG: Right tube blocked; unable to clear
My DH has a name that is traditionally a male name but has morphed into a girl name over time. I would never, ever, ever use his name on our daughter. Ever.
I think you need to go back to the drawing board.
I know a baby girl named after her father. Her father's name is one that is traditionally male but occasionally gets used with girls these days. I feel weird posting what the name is, but think of a certain blonde starlet with a name beginning with a B.
I think it's weird. Very, very weird. I really can't fathom the decision-making process that leads to this selection.
Married my best friend 10/12/12
TTC 1 since 10/12
NTNP Fall 2013 to focus on a healthier lifestyle
I made it past my goal I nursed for 1 year and 6 weeks! Im so proud of myself!
What? Kevan? No. That's not even pronounced the same.
If your husband's name doesn't have a feminine form, then just honor him by using a feminine form of his middle name (if applicable), or by using the same first letter as his name or something.
Personally I wouldn't name a daughter after my husband, but with certain names I could see it working. I myself (Michelle) was named after my dad (Michael).
I have thought of doing this before. DH name is Robert and I give Robin serious consideration.
That being said Kevan still sounds masculine to me. I have only known one person named Kevan and he was a male in his 40's. Have you considered any other names? Or maybe using Kevan as a mn if your heart is really set on it?
Please, don't do that to a little girl.
Maybe choose the same initials as your DH? Or does he have a MN like Joseph or Daniel so you could go with the feminine version?
BFP #2: 8.31.16 Dx w/ GD @ 28w DD Born @ 36w: 4.21.17
A friend did this because her DH HAD to have a namesake. I think the name works on her, but it can also be shortened to a very girly nn if she wants. The name is Carlton and they said she can go by Carly if she chooses.
I'm not a huge fan of this idea but it's not my kid.
I don't like the idea of Kevan/Kevin for a little girl.
I'm not a fan of it for a boy or girl...
Cray-cray indeed...
You might as well just name her Kevin what difference is that "a" going to make!? (that's sarcasm btw please go back to the drawing board for your daughters sake!)
What is DH's middle name? Like a pp suggested if its something like Christopher you could do Christine etc... Instead of going with his first name...
2010: 41 books, 2011: 31 books, 2012: 100 books
Very feminine! ;-)
no, nO, NO!!!
Do not, I repeat do not name your DD that. You will get many rolled eyes if you do. Kevan is a totally made up name. I have never commented on not naming a child a specific name. If it was just a preference, I'd say NMS. I can't do that in this case. Sorry.
Now if your husband's name was Michael, you named her Michelle that would be fine. That name actually exists.
as PPs have mentioned, what about his MN? Is there a female version of his MN that could be used for her MN or FN? I would not use Kevan. There are some names that just do not work for a girl, Kevin/Kevan being one for sure.
FWIW, I do know a female Kevyn. Doesn't mean I like it (actually think it's hideous on a girl), but there are some people out there that think this makes a good girl name
What about another K name? Drawing a blank on anything similar but there are lots of nice K names (like, real K names, not Kardashian-ish K names like Khloe. Please don't do that either!).
Sorry, just looking at your signature... I LOVE Eli Jeffrey, what a cute name.
Nov siggy challenge: animals eating Thanksgiving food
Rhys - born 04.17.2013
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This. Please don't do it. Just pick a K name or something. You're already honoring your husband by having his child!!
Kevan is awful.
Some names work for honoring dads with daughters. Example, DH is Daniel, and Daniela would be perfectly fine. Or Joanne for John, Michaela for Michael, etc. But Kevan? No. No no no. If you want to honor your husband in your daughter's name, I would choose a K name, or find something you like that means something similar to his.
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