Me 38 MH 41 - TTC since June 2010 - dx with Severe MFI. Straight to IVF with ICSI. IVF #1 - ER 06/13/12 - 9 Eggs Retrieved - 4 ICSI'd - only 2 fert. 06/15/12 - 2DT - 3 cell & 6 cell with fragmentation. Beta 06/29/12 - IVF #1 = BFN. 07/20/12 - WTF Appt -Told by our RE to quit IVF. Second Opinion from RE is good. IVF#2 - November 2012. Estradiol Pills Started 11/6. Stims start 11/16. ER 11/26 - 7 eggs retrieved - all mature. 4 fertilized with ICSI. ET 11/29 Transferred 3 embryos. Beta is 12/10. 1st Beta 81 2nd Beta 160 and 3rd beta 360!!! First U/S 12/21/12 - We saw one beautiful gest. sac. 2nd U/S is 01/04/2013 - H/B 183 02/05/13 - NT Scan - everything looks good and IT'S A BOY! Aiden was born 08/20/2013.
IVF #2 is in progress. ER was 05/12/14 - 11 eggs retrieved, 8 fertilized with ICSI. ET was 05/15/14 - we transferred 3 embryos as we did on the cycle my son was conceived. We were able to freeze 3 embryos. Beta is scheduled for 05/26/14. 1st beta - 111. 2nd beta - 159 didn't double 3rd beta Friday 5/30) - not a lot of hope left. Beta # 3 is 247 - probably ectopic. Beta # 4 is 813 - possibly vanishing multiple sydrome? 06/05/14 - 5w4days - first U/S - we see a gestational sac and yolk - still have hope! 06/17/14 - 7w1day - U/S and saw and heard the heartbeat - Finally! 06/27/14 - 8w4days - Baby and heartbeat look and sound great
EDD 02/01/14 and It's a boy!
"Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end."
Re: Frustrated...
I'm so sorry you're going through this-- all your emotions are valid and you are right to acknowledge them, even if it doesn't make it any easier to handle (for you or your DH). Do you have a good relationship with your mom where talking about how you feel might help? I mean, has she been through anything like this or at least is sympathetic?
I personally feel like the only way out is through it. The emotions are still new and raw, so of course it's going to be hard to be out and about, around pregnant women and babies.
I wish I could say something that would make all this anger and hurt go away for you...
Instead, all I have are ((hugs)).
<br /> My Ovulation Chart</a>
I is so hard to have to control emotions in certain situations. And to have to explain yourself (or pretend that everything is ok) when you would just rather curl up in a ball and have some time to yourself isn't easy. It's impossible to make future plans when we don't know where we will mentally be during/after treatments. It's kind of why I would rather not hang out with our neighbors tonight even though it's the 4th. Any flippant remark about ANYTHING might set me off. I hate feeling so edgy.
As Danieleandwayne asked...are you able to tell your mom how difficult of a week/month it has been for you and why?
I find myself trying to keep my emotions to myself so I don't make DH worry. But lately it's been hard to hide the frustration. I really need to find an outlet so I have something to take it out on...I'm sorry you are feeling so down, especially after going thru something as emotional and time consuming as IVF.
I'm sorry you're having a hard time. Men deal with things differently and they're always the best at empathizing.
I hope you find an outlet, it sounds like that's what you need.
DD born 12.21.09, conceived w/ injects and IUI
TTC#2 since Nov 2011
BFP 2.6.12 m/c 6w5d | BFP 5.25.12 c/p
-Back to the RE-
3 medicated IUIs, all BFN
-Taking a break from treatment-
BFP 11.20.12 ~ EDD 7.28.13
My Chart
Me 38 MH 41 - TTC since June 2010 - dx with Severe MFI. Straight to IVF with ICSI. IVF #1 - ER 06/13/12 - 9 Eggs Retrieved - 4 ICSI'd - only 2 fert. 06/15/12 - 2DT - 3 cell & 6 cell with fragmentation. Beta 06/29/12 - IVF #1 = BFN. 07/20/12 - WTF Appt -Told by our RE to quit IVF. Second Opinion from RE is good. IVF#2 - November 2012. Estradiol Pills Started 11/6. Stims start 11/16. ER 11/26 - 7 eggs retrieved - all mature. 4 fertilized with ICSI. ET 11/29 Transferred 3 embryos. Beta is 12/10. 1st Beta 81 2nd Beta 160 and 3rd beta 360!!! First U/S 12/21/12 - We saw one beautiful gest. sac. 2nd U/S is 01/04/2013 - H/B 183 02/05/13 - NT Scan - everything looks good and IT'S A BOY! Aiden was born 08/20/2013.
IVF #2 is in progress. ER was 05/12/14 - 11 eggs retrieved, 8 fertilized with ICSI. ET was 05/15/14 - we transferred 3 embryos as we did on the cycle my son was conceived. We were able to freeze 3 embryos. Beta is scheduled for 05/26/14. 1st beta - 111. 2nd beta - 159 didn't double
3rd beta Friday 5/30) - not a lot of hope left. Beta # 3 is 247 - probably ectopic. Beta # 4 is 813 - possibly vanishing multiple sydrome? 06/05/14 - 5w4days - first U/S - we see a gestational sac and yolk - still have hope! 06/17/14 - 7w1day - U/S and saw and heard the heartbeat - Finally! 06/27/14 - 8w4days - Baby and heartbeat look and sound great
EDD 02/01/14 and It's a boy!
"Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end."
I think men tend to handle this stuff better because they're not as directly involved. They don't take the drugs (usually), they don't have to get up and remember to take their temps, they don't have to chart the results, they don't have to worry about what they eat/drink/breathe in, they don't get poked and prodded, they don't have doctors sticking things up their pink parts and making comments, they don't give a ton of blood...
I think it's easier for them to distance themselves.
Is it okay for you-- in your head, in your heart-- to let your DH go out to things like the block party while you stay behind and do what you like to do to relax (take a bath, watch cheesy films, drink some wine, etc.)?
<br /> My Ovulation Chart</a>
I'm okay if he goes but he really wants me to go with him we don't spend tons of time together because of our busy schedules and neighbors ask where I'm at - I think he hates answering the questions and it's uncomfortable for him. We just have to work through it. I've said it before but I want to say it again - I really do admire your outlook and sense of humor - I need some of that to rub off on me.
Me 38 MH 41 - TTC since June 2010 - dx with Severe MFI. Straight to IVF with ICSI. IVF #1 - ER 06/13/12 - 9 Eggs Retrieved - 4 ICSI'd - only 2 fert. 06/15/12 - 2DT - 3 cell & 6 cell with fragmentation. Beta 06/29/12 - IVF #1 = BFN. 07/20/12 - WTF Appt -Told by our RE to quit IVF. Second Opinion from RE is good. IVF#2 - November 2012. Estradiol Pills Started 11/6. Stims start 11/16. ER 11/26 - 7 eggs retrieved - all mature. 4 fertilized with ICSI. ET 11/29 Transferred 3 embryos. Beta is 12/10. 1st Beta 81 2nd Beta 160 and 3rd beta 360!!! First U/S 12/21/12 - We saw one beautiful gest. sac. 2nd U/S is 01/04/2013 - H/B 183 02/05/13 - NT Scan - everything looks good and IT'S A BOY! Aiden was born 08/20/2013.
IVF #2 is in progress. ER was 05/12/14 - 11 eggs retrieved, 8 fertilized with ICSI. ET was 05/15/14 - we transferred 3 embryos as we did on the cycle my son was conceived. We were able to freeze 3 embryos. Beta is scheduled for 05/26/14. 1st beta - 111. 2nd beta - 159 didn't double
3rd beta Friday 5/30) - not a lot of hope left. Beta # 3 is 247 - probably ectopic. Beta # 4 is 813 - possibly vanishing multiple sydrome? 06/05/14 - 5w4days - first U/S - we see a gestational sac and yolk - still have hope! 06/17/14 - 7w1day - U/S and saw and heard the heartbeat - Finally! 06/27/14 - 8w4days - Baby and heartbeat look and sound great
EDD 02/01/14 and It's a boy!
"Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end."
That's sweet. But you know what? I cry and rant and rave, too. And I have snapped at MH a couple of times-- so now he "gets" it a bit. Sometimes, he still raises his eyes at me or gets irritated when I tell him "I do not want to see people with their kids. I don't even want to see your sister's kid. I hate them all." But that's just how I'm feeling a lot of the time. I try not to give in to it every time, though.
I'm also VERY stubborn. And I look horrible when I cry-- my nose gets all red and swollen and I become a snot-monster. I am much cuter when I laugh.
Denial works for me, too. I just refuse to consider that I won't be successful. At least for a little while longer. I have not had IVF, though, or multiple losses, and I've only had one birthday pass so far since TTC.
Forgive yourself. This is a tough journey. I bet most of our husbands couldn't hack it as well as we do. "The true hero is he who faces the grey every day." It's a rough quote from a Russian novel about a man sentenced to a work camp in Siberia, but it works for us. We face the grey every day.
Give yourself time. And don't forget to forgive yourself. You are not a bad person-- you're just going through some bad stuff.
<br /> My Ovulation Chart</a>
TTC #1 since 8/1/10; Me:41 and BRCA1+, DH:46
DOR (FSH 24.3)/ terrible egg quality ; homozygous MTHFR c677t
5 IUI's: 2/11 to 6/11 and 1/12= BFN
OE IVF#1-4 8/11-6/12= all BFN
DE IVF#1 11/12 bad embryos= BFN
DE IVF #2 2/13 BFP/Beta hell: m/c 5w6d
CFNBC 7 months, not doing well; decided on guarantee program at RBA w/frozen DE
DE IVF #3 1/14 ET 4BB; BFP;M/C 5w1d, incomplete m/c; MVA extraction in ER 7w1d
DE FET#1 ET 3/1714; BFP, beta 1 3/27= 197, beta 2 3/31= 1586, beta 3 4/7= 13879!!
First u/s= Twins with HBs at 6w2d! We are Team Pink x 2!!
K & K born 11/21/14 at 38wks 4 days