Well, I was still having contractions when I got to my appt, but they had spaced apart by quite a bit. She was measuring my stomach(31 weeks now) when she felt me having a contraction so she decided to check my cervix and do a quick u/s. My cervix was still closed, but was considerably thinner/softer than it should be at this stage. When we checked my cervix via u/s it showed that it was still good and long (4.8cm), but there was a lot of funneling. My OB wants me to continue strict bed rest, full pelvic rest, and is placing me on the drug Procardia to stop the contractions when they start. If I take it and still have more than 4 an hour, I go to L & D. If at my next appointment my cervix is worse, then I have to stay in the hospital for the rest of the pregnancy.
I was in shock hearing all of this for
some reason and wasn't absorbing well. At the end of the appointment, I
told her my high risk dr had said I wouldn't be able to carry past 37w
and I was wondering if she had the same policy. She laughed at me and
said I don't even need to think about that because I'll never see full
term. I completely understand now that I'm calm why that question
seemed silly at the time, but it was the only question I had prepared
myself to ask today and it's just what came to mind before I had time to
absorb everything. I just hated that she made me feel like I have no
hope to keep these girls in for the long haul.
This is my siggy. Love it.
Re: Funneling & Procardia (X/P from Parenting)
I've been on procardia for almost 3 weeks now. I'm on strict home bed rest for softening of the cervix and contractions. For me...the procardia is kinda hit or miss. I take it every 6 hours on the dot. I'm currently doing twice a week NST's and I'm still showing up to 5 contractions per hour. I feel them. They don't hurt so I don't go to L&D. And they're sporadic. My OB just said of they start to hurt to go to L&D. My cervix is also still long, but I'm further along. I can imagine the concern in your case.
But there are many people who have started with PTL as early as you and gone on to deliver past 34 weeks. I say don't worry about delivery time for now. Focus on the now and keeping those babies cooking as long as possible.
#2 & #3 Due 8/25/12
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***
I had major funneling and CL 1.5 cm at 23 weeks. I was on Procardia around the clock for about 8 weeks and then really didn't need it anymore (just used it as needed). Bedrest and procardia worked. My cervix lengthened (not above 2.5 ever - but better than 1 cm).
I made it to 36 weeks.
So glad your doctor is that pro-active. 2 thumbs up.
ETA: I did bedrest at home. I think she's being a little dramatic. Your cervix IS still over 4 cm. So although the funneling isn't great.....the length is still good. Hang in there and dont' stress. Did she mention vaginal progesterone? The high risk OBs around here will consider it for twins.
I was put on procardia around 20ish weeks, just recently had my dose increased. It seems to be pretty effective thus far. My cervix is holding out (I'm also receiving 17p shots). Bed rest is helping me a ton, if I get up and move the contractions hit.
As of last week, my MFM changed my goal to 32 weeks because of some serious complications I am having (only affecting me luckily), so I know how difficult it is to get news like that. I'm trying to stay as positive as possible and I'm still focusing on a much further date.
Hang in there and be diligent with the resting! Good thoughts that you stay ho,e and keep those girls cooking for a long while.
This is my siggy. Love it.
I've been on Procardia since 27 weeks. Currently 36 weeks 1 day! I still have contractions here and there; most of them I don't feel. Don't give up hope that you will carry your babies to term!