
Recs for Superyard or similar set ups?

Both girls are in full speed crawl (finally, but ACKK!!) and because of an open floor plan, large dogs, stone fireplace (and we are renters right now) I need to get a play yard system.

Does anyone have the Superyard or something else that doesn't require mounting to the floor or walls? I'm concerned about sturdiness and height when they start to pull up. I also would like to be able to add extensions or combine two systems into one, if possible.

We have thick carpet in the living areas where I would need to set this up.

Thanks in advance!

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Lilypie - (9CKY)Lilypie - (xzY1)

Re: Recs for Superyard or similar set ups?

  • We have this

    Cheap, you can buy inexpensive extensions, or just buy a couple superyards depending on what kind of set up you want.  

    We started out with an enclosure (when they were little 6-9 months) and now we use the superyard to block off entrances/exits, fireplace, etc. 

    ETA:   image
    Sorry for the size, apparently you can't edit on tinypic anymore.  Please ignore my dirtbag living room, we just moved in and haven't painted, decorated, etc.  But anyway, we have the links set up like this all around the living room so they can't get into dangerous things.

     We love it.  Its been my saving grace.  Mobile multiples are no joke!

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  • jcathjcath member

    We just got this one.

    It's not heavy and took about 1 min to assemble but it's on carpet and seems sturdy once it's together. The girls pull up on it all the time.  They seem pretty happy there for short periods. My husband was convinced we'd need two or at least the extension but for now the girls are happy in there.  I mainly use it while we shower or if I need to bring groceries in etc. 

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  • I bought the Joovy 2
  • kegkeg member
    We created an awesome baby jail with the Superyard XT panels.  I think I bought two sets used and used most of those to set up a large enclosure.  We have an open floor plan so I just made a big area and put most of their toys in there.  We have hardwood floors so I got the interlocking foam mats from Sam's Club (they stay together much better than the "cuter" ones) and put them underneath.  The Superyard panels were quite sturdy and we never had any problem with DDs pulling them over (granted, we have two relatively calm girls...not so sure what would happen if we had climbers.)
    2004-Started TTC; Nov 2007-Lap with endo removed; Jan 2008-Ectopic (mtx); April 2008-IVF #1 (bfp, twin girls); March 2011-FET (cp); June 2012-IVF #2 (bfp, singleton, EDD 3-19-12)

    ***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***

  • Go with the Superyard. They're practically indestructible, and everyone has one, so for big events you can borrow from people and have plenty of gating for stuff. We've had ours for years and it's the best thing we've bought for our family! I want to buy a second set before the twins are born to keep the dog in line. They're great for just about everything! And with the superyard you can bungee cord them to things and so on. 

     I will say that they get more flexible over time, so don't be surprised when you unfold it the first time and feel like it takes super human strength. After a while they're just as bendy as they look! 

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  • thanks, ladies for the help (and pic of the fireplace scenario)!

    In case anyone is in the market for a yard and is also looking for saving a little coin, i followed the superyard recs and after doing online comparison shopping tonight, I found a great online price on a bundle of the basic 6 pc yard in white, plus the 2 pc section extension included with it, for $67 at wally world. BRU and target has the 6 pc for $79..score!   Hopefully it gets here quickly!

    thanks again!

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers  image

    Lilypie - (9CKY)Lilypie - (xzY1)

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