Deep philosophical questions from The Book of Questions by Gregory Stock, Ph.D. Answer me this:
Walking along an empty street, you notice a wallet. It contains $5,000 in cash but no name or address. What would you do? Would it alter your decision if inside you found the name, address, and picture of either a wealthy-looking young man or a frail-looking old woman?
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Re: Ask yourself
And to answer it myself. I would be really tempted to keep it. Really really really tempted. I dont know if I would give in or not. I would hope I would turn it in to the police; in a lot of areas, of no one comes to claim it within a certain time frame, the person who turned it in gets to keep everything, so if I am meant to have that money, it will come back around my way.
If I found info, regardless of who it was for, I would turn it in to them at the address shown. I would feel better giving it to the old woman, but it being the young wealthy man wouldn't deter me. I hope.
"We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch
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I'm not going to lie, if it had no name or address, I would probably put an ad out that I found something but not say that it had money in it or that it was a wallet.If someone called and claimed it by telling me exactly what it was, then I would give it back to them.
If it had name/number/pictures, I would make every effort to give it back to them, no questions asked.
I can't imagine how I would feel if I lost that amount of money, so I know I would try to get it back to them if possible.
I would probably do the same thing - post a lost and found ad on CL saying I found something valuable at x location, please describe it to claim it. If no one came forward within, say, a month, I would keep it.
If there was any identifying information, even if it required some research, I would try to find the owner. Young rich man or frail old woman.
Side note, I once lost my wallet on a drunk walk home from a friend's house. I retraced my steps and didn't find it, so I assumed it was gone. A week later I got a call from my college campus police office that they had my wallet. The only identifying thing in it (I had put my ID and my ATM card in back pocket, thankfully) was a receipt from the campus bookstore. Some nice person (they wouldn't tell me who) drove my wallet out there, a 30 minute drive, and turned it in. It even still had cash in it. People can be rad.
Sort of similar to the story where a group of boys found a duffle bag full of money in an open field... They turned it in, but they got to keep it.
It depends where the wallet was found... If it was in a store, etc. I would turn it in. If it were just laying by itself in the middle of a highway, or where there wasn't anyone or any houses, etc. around, i would keep it.
If it had an address, i would obviously send it back to them.
If it had no name or address, I would keep it. I know that's not the moral thing to do, but it's what I would do.
If it had the person's information inside, I would try to return it. However, if the wallet was full of douchey stuff that made the owner look like a tool, I may keep it. Not if he just looked "wealthy", but if perhaps he seemed like "The Situation"...I would be tempted.
This is my siggy. Love it.
Same here..Darn Catholic guilt!
This. I'd totally keep it if it didn't have a name or any kind of contact info inside.
If there was contact info of any kind, I'd attempt to return it.
Been there done that. When I worked in a club years ago, I found a wallet with a stack of hundreds, fifties and twenties in it on the floor in the hall that led to the washrooms. The owner's license was in it, so I asked a bouncer if he could help me find the guy in the picture. We found him and I handed back the wallet. The bouncer was floored that I passed back the wallet with the money still in it. Apparently, other staff members used to keep the cash and pass lost wallets to the bartender.
If there was absolutely no identifiers in it (plain brown leather wallet that every man seems to own), I would hold on to it, post an announcement saying I found something important and see if anyone came forward.
"We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch
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I'm glad you typed all this out already; it's exactly what I was thinking, so now all I have to do is quote you