Baby Names

Boy Sibset...Round 2. Need your thoughts!

DS1 is Aaron Lyman.  H likes Deagan for DS2.  He would be Deagan Hudson.  Does this flow well?  And how does it work as a sib set?  I'm also not sure if Deagan is the correct any suggestions there would be helpful :-)
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Re: Boy Sibset...Round 2. Need your thoughts!

  • ObLaDiObLaDi member
    I've never heard of Deagan, and Behind the Name doesn't recognize it. Do you mean Deacon?
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  • No..I could definitely be spelling it wrong.  It's pronounced "Dee-gun" or "Dee-gan".  Maybe I just made it up, but I swear I've heard it before!
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  • I'm not familiar with it either. I don't really like it- it is very awkward sounding to me. I think it sounds a bit strange with Aaron too. Aaron is so 'normal' and Deagon is extremely unusual and a bit ugly sounding to me.

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  • I don't think that Deagan Hudson flows well, since the names end in almost the same sound.  I also have no idea what Deagan is supposed to be, so I'm not sure if there's a correct spelling for it.
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  • I'd definitely reconsider Deagan. I dont always hate made up names but this one is made up and unpleasant sounding and doesn't flow well with the middle name. I like Hudson, it's not at all common in my area so maybe you can look up the regional stats on it before taking advice that it's too common and just use it as your first name.
  • Not a fan. Deacon. Declan. Those I could get behind. Not really with Hudson though. 
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  • Thanks girls. H was reading the baby name book last night and somehow came up with this. I think he was looking at Daegan and read/pronounced it wrong. I appreciate your feedback!
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  • DS1 had a boy in his preschool class (Driscoll) whose younger brother was named Deegan. I assumed (or was hoping) that they were family names.  They are NMS, but as a sibset compliment each other more than Aaron and Deegan, kwim?
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  • I like Deegan (or Teegan, Keegan), something about the sound of them. 

    What about Declan or Deacon? 

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  • Brian Deegan is an X Games star and the only Deegan I know is named after him. I'm not a fan of the name.
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  • imageled2009:
    Brian Deegan is an X Games star and the only Deegan I know is named after him. I'm not a fan of the name.

    I've never heard of him.  I don't care for Deegan as much as Deagan.

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  • Never heard of this name, but am not a fan. Sorry.
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