We recieved a great swing for one of our showers, I'm debating buying a second! We have gift cards, so it wouldn't cost me anything... But do you usually use 2 swings at once?
Mine napped in swings from 2.5 months to 5 months, every day, 3 times a day. Even when they were sleeping in their cribs at night, they napped in those swings. I got one at a shower and the other on clearance at Target for $30. When I took it to the consignment shop to sell back, I got $30 so it was essentially free - but I would have paid good money for it.
After 2 losses, IVF #2 brought us our little boys.
Now we're waiting on our miracle baby ... a little GIRL!!!
We had two carseat swings and were very glad. They don't take up much space (none really since you have to put the carseats somewhere), fold easily, and travel well. When I'd come home with the kids, I'd drop them in the swings still in their carseats, get them swinging, and that bought me some time to get settled in. They're actually one of the few things we kept after they were outgrown since they fit easily on the top of a storage shelf in the basement. I also think we were able to use them longer than most swings since the weight limit of the carseats is so high, the straps keep the babies from sitting up, and normal swings only last until babies can sit up due to falling risks. They probably don't swing as widely, but my kids liked them (one more than the other, but that's to be expected).
We only had one and rarely used it. We tried it a few times during those sleepless nights, but neither of my babies seemed to like it much. I agree with the posts above, keep it in the box with receipts until you know. Every baby is different.
Every baby is different, both of ours loved the swings and hated the bouncy seats. We only had one swing and quickly got another. They used to nap in them until...um yesterday. They were a life saver. I would get one bouncy seat and one swing and see how it goes.
IVF#1 May 2011
15 Eggs Retrieved, 11 Fertilized using ICSI
+ HPT on 6/9/11 Beta #1 420 Beta #2 2167 US 7/1 TWINS!! Due 2/18/2012
Brooke and Nora born at 35.6 weeks Jan 20th 2012
My advice: start with one swing and one bouncy and keep receipts and boxes. When you know what the babies like, you can return/exchange/buy a second.
one of mine loved swing, other was just OK in it (probably due to severe reflux issues).
however, both loved the bouncies and I ended up getting 4 bouncy seats - 2 for mail floor and 2 for upstairs. Bouncy Seats were my lifesavers.
TTC #1 for over 5 years - too many to count IF treatments (tried everything and anything), repeat miscarriages.
Finally, Sticky Success!! B/G Twins arrived 2011.
Um....we have three!!! Two downstairs and one upstairs. We use the one upstairs for naps.....so if one baby downstairs wants to play or not nap as long, the other is upstairs sleeping in the swing. We also use it at nighttime....before we put one down, we go upstairs, rock, turn the song on on the swing. Then sometimes we put a baby down in it for a half an hour then transfer to the crib. Having a third swing really helps actually. And FYI it's a great swing. It can be plugged in so no baggies, and there is this bulb that has sun moon and stars that light up right above the swing...looks cool especially at night. We have two lamb swings downstairs that need batteries.
Re: 2 swings or 1?
Now we're waiting on our miracle baby ... a little GIRL!!!
one of ours HATED the swing, so I'm glad we only had one. We also only had one bouncer type chair. We simply didn't have room for 2 of everything.
If you buy a second keep it in the box until you know you'll use it. That way you can return it if you don't need it.
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
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Etta Jane and Claire Elaine are here! Born March 28, 2012.
my blog
What it's like to cloth diaper twins, Part I.
Cloth diapering twins, Part II.
Boy/girl twins born at 37w1d and 37w2d
one of mine loved swing, other was just OK in it (probably due to severe reflux issues).
however, both loved the bouncies and I ended up getting 4 bouncy seats - 2 for mail floor and 2 for upstairs. Bouncy Seats were my lifesavers.
Um....we have three!!! Two downstairs and one upstairs. We use the one upstairs for naps.....so if one baby downstairs wants to play or not nap as long, the other is upstairs sleeping in the swing. We also use it at nighttime....before we put one down, we go upstairs, rock, turn the song on on the swing. Then sometimes we put a baby down in it for a half an hour then transfer to the crib. Having a third swing really helps actually. And FYI it's a great swing. It can be plugged in so no baggies, and there is this bulb that has sun moon and stars that light up right above the swing...looks cool especially at night. We have two lamb swings downstairs that need batteries.