Cloth Diapering

Favorite Flushable Liners for Toddlers?

What is it about Target? Every. Single. Time. that we go, DS poops. With this heat, even scraped and wrapped in a wetbag, it's a bit much having a poopy diaper following us around all day. 

Can you pretty please with sugar on top recommend a great Flushable liner for toddlers for when we're out & about??

Why wouldn't Target have diaper sprayers in their bathrooms?!?!! LOL Wink 

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Re: Favorite Flushable Liners for Toddlers?

  • I really like the Bambino Mio ones. They are a bit wider than others which is great for us when we're out and using an AI2 because we just tuck the extra bit under the insert and it helps the liner to stay in place. I can also tell you to stay away from the Tots Bots/Bummis liners--they always end up really soggy for us and never stay in place!
  • I like the Bummis liners (large) the best.  They are really soft.  The Imse Vimse ones are great for if you want to wash and reuse the non-poopy liners, but they are pretty rough.  My son never seemed to mind the Imse Vimse ones and never got an irritated tush, but I keep to the Bummis anyway since I like how soft they are.
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  • Granted I don't have a toddler but we use the Grovia bioliners and they're perfect
    Jenn & Jason
    September 27, 2008
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  • Rearz are good.

    Kushies are not as good - scratchy.

  • Thanks, Mamas!
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