
If you've already had a c/s, can we talk stitches vs staples?

This will be my third c/s. With DD1 and DD2 I had dissolvable stitches. I didn't really have a say in it with DD1 since it was an emergency and I was put under general. With DD2, I asked for the stitches because I knew that I would want to leave the hospital after two nights, and I somehow thought staples would require me to stay longer. Now I'm contemplating the difference and wondering if staples would be the way to go. I will definitely be talking with my OB about this since I'm also getting my tubes tied. What was your experience with staples? I plan on staying at least 3 nights this time since my recovery with DD 2 was awful and I totally regretted leaving the hospital after only 2 nights. I also busted a few stitches out after going home, which was really scary. I would like to avoid having that happen again. Thoughts?

Elizabeth Grace 11.20.05 Nora June 7.15.08 Beatrix Catherine 9.4.12

Re: If you've already had a c/s, can we talk stitches vs staples?

  • I only had a c/s with my 3rd so I have nothing to compare it to. I had staples and everything went just fine. I was nervous to get them out thinking I would bust myself open but I didn't. I had them taken out at around 10 days pp.
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  • My OB did stitches but I spent the morning throwing up after the c/s and I think I ripped it open.  The afternoon nurse noticed and I had to have 7 staples put in one side.  I could really feel the last few go in but you shouldn't if you have them put in during surgery.

     i had mine taken out just before I was discharged and it wasn't painful at all.  I only stayed 2 nights.  My OB actually said he preferred staples but other drs and some patients freak out about having staples put in them.

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  • With my first, I had dissolvable stitches and steri-strips.  No big deal, the stitches did their thing and I let the steri-strips fall off on their own.

    I had staples with my second.  I didn't feel or notice a difference from the stitches, honestly.  I had them removed about 6 or 7 days pp.  It didn't hurt - I actually didn't feel when my doctor was taking them out.

    I didn't request either type.  My doctor said he likes to do the staples for the repeat c/s.

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  • I had an emergency c-sec under general as well, but I got staples.

    I had them removed at 7 days pp and got a bad infection 3 days later :-(

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  • I had an emergency c/s too and had staples.  I had no problem with them.  A nurse took them out a few hours before I was discharged and put steristrips in their place.  Only part that hurt was when the nurse accidently pulled out a couple hairs along with a staple!
    BFP #1 August 2007, Lost Nov 2007, no heartbeat found at anatomy ultrasound at 19 wks
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  • I've only ever had staples. Doesn't make your stay longer. I will tell you that my OB left my staples in longer each c-section. I do have to go back to her office for her to remove them (takes 5 minutes). She'll be doing staples again.
    image Mommy to Barbara 11/8/05, Elisabeth 5/13/07, Loukas 12/23/08 and Lazarus 09/25/12
  • Kie310Kie310 member

    I had an emergency c/s too and had staples.  I had no problem with them.  A nurse took them out a few hours before I was discharged and put steristrips in their place.  Only part that hurt was when the nurse accidently pulled out a couple hairs along with a staple!


    This for me too. They took the staples out the morning I left (they didn't keep me longer because of it, the 3rd day they would have done it but I decided to stay the extra day). And the steristrips came off by themselves w/in a week of leaving the hospital.

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  • eb1113eb1113 member
    I had dissovlable staples with my c/s.  I didn't know any different and didn't really have any issues. 
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  • Ive only had staples, and had no problems with them. They were taken out the second week, and I was nervous about it hurting, but it doesn't at all. I don't really have anything to compare it to because this is my first.  But alot of people I know who had stitches, their stitches opened at home.....and I was nervous about that happening, but everything was fine, and healed well.


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  • I had staples only have had one c section for failure to descend. Got mine taken out 6-7 days postpartum with no problems. They put steri strips on after! 
  • Can you get dermabond? That stuff is awesome-no getting anything removed and the incision is practically nonexistant.

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  • I had staples for both cs I have had.  My 2nd c-secton I got really nauseated and vomitted for most of the 1st 8 hrs after the cs :(  The staples held up great, the next day I was BEYOND sore due to the straining but the staples were fine.  I got the staples removed right before I was discharged from the hospital (3 days in the hospital)  getting them removed just feels like a little pinch at the least doesn't hurt at all.  My OB then put steri strips on, that he said to leave on till they fell off, he actually removed them both time at my 1 week incision check appointment in my office.  I have never had any incision problems with any of my c-sections, I was very religious about icing my incision constantly at the hospital and 1 week at home not sure if that makes a difference? 
  • imageKC_13:

    Can you get dermabond? That stuff is awesome-no getting anything removed and the incision is practically nonexistant.


    I had staples the first time and they were removed on the third day and I had steri-strips put on.   The second time I had dermabond and it worked great, I got to leave after two days.  The only thing with that is it would NOT come off.  I finally said something at my 4 (or was it 6?  I CRS.) week check up and my Dr. gave me some wipes that take the rest of it off.  I guess I don't really have a preference though because each time I healed well.

  • I had staples because I'm allergic to adhesive so couldn't have the strips. It didn't bother me or anything. I had them take out 8 days pp. It didn't hurt when they were taken out.
  • imagemkinMI:

    Can you get dermabond? That stuff is awesome-no getting anything removed and the incision is practically nonexistant.


    I had staples the first time and they were removed on the third day and I had steri-strips put on.   The second time I had dermabond and it worked great, I got to leave after two days.  The only thing with that is it would NOT come off.  I finally said something at my 4 (or was it 6?  I CRS.) week check up and my Dr. gave me some wipes that take the rest of it off.  I guess I don't really have a preference though because each time I healed well.

    I've only had experience with dermabond, but that stuff is amazing!  My incision healed perfectly, and 6 months out it looks the same as my stretch marks, and even better than some of my worse stretch marks!

    It did say on for awhile, but part of that might be because I was really scared to touch my incision for weeks afterwards.  I finally go the nerve a few weeks post op, and I was able to easily peel off the remaining stuff in the shower.   

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  • I had dissolvable stitches with my first and staples with my second.  I was afraid to get the staples out because I thought it would hurt but it didn't.  I healed really well with staples and didn't have anymore pain than with the stitches.

    I know it's hard with 2 kids already but really try to take it easy with your recovery so you don't bust stitches again or staples.  That sounds painful.

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  • I had staples with a c-section and also with another surgery. With the c-section, I only stayed 2 days in the hospital and got them taken out 5 days later with no problems either times. I don't like stitches as much cause they pull more and are more likely to rip open. Also, staples don't hurt anymore than stitches if that's what your worried about.
  • i had a c section and i had medical glue
  • I had staples, it didn't even occur to me to ask about options.  I didn't have any negative effects from them.  I will say I was terrified of having them removed but didn't even feel it.
  • With DD I had an emercency c-section and ended up with stitches and steri strips. I got a really bed reaction from the steri strips. Blisters ect.

    With DS my doctor did stitches again (he told me it makes a nicer scar) however I did not get the steri strips this time around. They left them off. I also got really sick from the spinal and was throwing up for the entire day after my c-section. They gave me nubain to help with it but I got really sick from that so later in that night I requested Zofran through my IV and it helped. 

    I never had problems with popping stitches at all. I did sit with a pillow on my incision for the first week or so after so maybe that helped. I wish I would have stayed the third night as well instead of coming home but I was sick of sitting in the hospital bed, my back and tailbone killed and I wanted to get home to my DD.

  • imagemkinMI:

    Can you get dermabond? That stuff is awesome-no getting anything removed and the incision is practically nonexistant.


    I had staples the first time and they were removed on the third day and I had steri-strips put on.   The second time I had dermabond and it worked great, I got to leave after two days.  The only thing with that is it would NOT come off.  I finally said something at my 4 (or was it 6?  I CRS.) week check up and my Dr. gave me some wipes that take the rest of it off.  I guess I don't really have a preference though because each time I healed well.

    The first time my OB was peeling off chunks of dermabond at my 6 week checkup. The second time around, I was smarter and peeled off whatever was remaining while I soaked in a hot tub the day before my 6 week checkup.

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  • I had derma bond.  My Dr. said to peel it off after two weeks.  I did and my scar is very faint


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  • I had stitches(emergency c-section so I had no choice)...And then my c-section busted open with an infection...In the emergency room all the nurses and staff  were wondering why I didn't get stapes...My Dr. said it was because she thought my incision would look better if it healed with stitches..ha! I'm sure next time I will ask for staples!
  • I had staples and I loved it.
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