
Recap to According to Wifenumbers post?

Please?  I'm really busy and important and don't want to read all 252 posts. 




Re: Recap to According to Wifenumbers post?

  • People are douches. I was going to recap but it really doesn't matter.

    "We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch



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  • Wife thinks shellshocked is controlling for saying she would expect her husband to come home sober and at an agreed-on time from a bachelor party because she needs to work the night shift. In fact, this level of domineering, oppressive, stranglehold control is the reason marriages fail. Some people think you can't give your husband a curfew the night of a party because a bachelor party is license to have little accountability. Some people think that is bullshits, and he should have skipped the party if there was no sitter instead of going with a curfew. Wife is amazing and cool and fantastic as a wife and only a touch defensive, and her husband is equally divine.

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  • I'm not entirely sure, my head spun so many times it almost fell off. I think we were all saying the same thing, but insisted that we weren't. 


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  • imageManateearmz:

    I'm not entirely sure, my head spun so many times it almost fell off. I think we were all saying the same thing, but insisted that we weren't. 


    This.  And someone's (I forget whose) cousin caught their balls on fire w/ a bottle rocket. 


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  • Good.  Thank you! 

    Pretty sure I won't be reading that then.

    ::goes back to being very busy and important on Pinterest:: 





  • And all the pregglies want a drink. 



  • imageSherbet Lemon:

    I'm not entirely sure, my head spun so many times it almost fell off. I think we were all saying the same thing, but insisted that we weren't. 


    This.  And someone's (I forget whose) cousin caught their balls on fire w/ a bottle rocket. 

    This story was the best part of that thread. 

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  • imagetwatley:
    10 pages of sanctimonious bulIshit and mass overreactions. 

    Dunno, man.  Based on some newly acquired information, I have even more sanctimonious BS.  Because diabetics - particularly diabetics whose BG is fairly uncontrolled, do not really need to drink to excess.  Ever.  It's a life or death thing, not a sanctimonious BS thing. 

  • imagetwatley:

    Dude, I am even more against the OP for not being the MOST upset about the dude being a binge drinking diabetic.

    She didn't even include that information in the post. That is the part that I would have been freaking the eff out about.

    Side-eyes continue.  

    That would certainly be the most upsetting part to me.


    It would explain why a plan might be in place to have him home earlier in the night while his friends continued their drinking though. . .


    But now I'm so angry at the OP's husband, I don't even really care about the argument.  I care about the fact that the father of someone's child literally risked his life to get his drink on at a bachelor party.   

  • imagetwatley:

    I think her priorities in what to flame are seriously skewed. Also, I would have had him at the hospital yesterday.

    Well, to be fair, 400 probably won't kill him.  He'll just lose his fingers and feet later in life.


    But yeah.  My flaming would've been entirely focused on the fact that a diabetic who isn't in good control of his diabetes DOESN'T NEED TO BE PUTTING MUTHAEFFIN' ALCOHOL INTO HIS SYSTEM. Like. at. all.  And if at all. . . definitely not in large quantities.  

  • ames71ames71 member

    I'm Team The-Husband-Should-Have-Gotten-A-Babysitter.

    Also, there was mass over-reacting from all corners. Typical Bump thread.

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  • imagetwatley:

    Dude, I am even more against the OP for not being the MOST upset about the dude being a binge drinking diabetic.

    She didn't even include that information in the post. That is the part that I would have been freaking the eff out about.

    Side-eyes continue.  

    I have been looking (tapping my foot waiting....still waiting) for an update thread.

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  • imagetwatley:

    I think her priorities in what to flame are seriously skewed. Also, I would have had him at the hospital yesterday.

    I completely admit that I have not gone back in many hours to read what was added, but I am confused.  I got the impression the she was nurse.   Not so?

    Yes. She is a nurse. Which makes me wonder even more why her first priority of concern wasn't his health. I would be so incredibly pissed if my husband put himself in danger like that. 

    We have friends with a daughter who is diabetic.  A level of 400 isn't cause for immediate hospitalization. Nor is puking.  She's not a brittle diabetic though - so it's a rarity and generally after 48 hrs or so they've got it back down. It's absolutely concerning, but not rush-to-the-hospital freakout from what I understand.  


    ETA:  Sorry.  Reading Comprehension FAIL.  Yes, I agree.  Wholeheartedly.  

  • A couple of people, as usual, taking things way too seriously.
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  • I was also Team Sanctimonious and Team Blue Cheese Olives Sound Digusting.

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  • imagetwatley:

    Dude, I am even more against the OP for not being the MOST upset about the dude being a binge drinking diabetic.

    She didn't even include that information in the post. That is the part that I would have been freaking the eff out about.

    Side-eyes continue.  

    Oh I missed that part. This whole situation is messed up. 
  • imageScout2005:

    WTF is wrong with you people?

    Blue cheese. Stuffed in an olive. How can you think that sounds disgusting?

    I give up on humanity. 

    Are they green or black olives?  Because I don't like the green ones.  Sad
  • imageScout2005:

    WTF is wrong with you people?

    Blue cheese. Stuffed in an olive. How can you think that sounds disgusting?

    I give up on humanity. 

    I don't like olives tainting my cheese. 

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  • imageWordsmith226:

    I was also Team Sanctimonious and Team Blue Cheese Olives Sound Digusting.

    True story: Recently out with DH and friends for dinner and he orders a fancy martini.  When I see the olives in the drink, I ask, "Why do those olives look like they were just born?"

    He was mad at me for that image for days.



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  • delg23delg23 member
    I am amazed that people think needing to go to a bachelor party trumps the need to go to work. I have expectations of my husband but it isn't going to fail because he is ok w/ those expectations. That was mutually agreed upon before marriage. He understood my expectations. The way I see it she would have taken off work but it was a bad weekend for that. She would have gotten her mom to sit but her mom had a surgery. So it is unfortunate that the party coincided w/ these problems, but that is life.
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