
Daycare paperwork help

Aiden starts a new daycare tomorrow and in typical fashion, I waited until tonight to fill out the paperwork I'm supposed to bring with us.  In a cleaning frenzy last week, I think I threw it out because I can't find it ANYWHERE.  I do have his vaccination paperwork from the doctor but I'm trying to type up a sheet of info I assume was in the packet that they'd absolutely require in the morning (and then hopefully I can get a new packet to fill out).  I assume they will want his name, birthdate, emergency contacts for me and DH, confirmation of no known allergies and his pediatrician's information.  Is there anything you know or remember that would be essential for me to have ready to give  them in the morning?
Formerly known as elmoali :)


Re: Daycare paperwork help

  • That's all I can think of. I'm trying to remember anything else that I filled out. The only other thing I can think of is we had to have three people written down to contact in case you or DH cannot be reached.
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  • imagemommytosam011011:
    That's all I can think of. I'm trying to remember anything else that I filled out. The only other thing I can think of is we had to have three people written down to contact in case you or DH cannot be reached.

    This and also people who are NOT to pick up your DS. I know this is just for tomorrow morning, but if there is anyone like this, better to go ahead and let DC know ASAP.

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  • imageGhostMonkey:

    They didn't give you stuff to fill out?

     ETA: And to be somewhat helpful- overall attitude, any instructions for foods, if he has his own words for certain things (John calls pacis "mommy". I feel loved.


    Reading fail Ghost :-p  I said I lost what they gave me so that's the problem.  I swear I just had my hands on it last week but I went cleaning crazy.  No good deed goes unpunished!   

    Formerly known as elmoali :)

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