August 2012 Moms

Baby's head is measuring big, body small?

Hi all,

I don't normally post on here, but I lurk a lot.  I guess I'm just looking for some reassurance, past experience etc. 

At my last appointment my fundal height measured small.  My MW didn't tell me how small, but it concerned her enough to order an ultrasound.  Today at the ultrasound (I am 34 weeks) baby's legs and abdomen were measuring right on track for 34 weeks, but baby's head was measuring at about 37-38 weeks!  The tech said she didn't see any structural anomalies or anything like that, and sometimes babies just have big heads, but I know she's not really allowed to tell us much anyway.  

Dr. Google has had some reassuring and some worrisome things to say.  Has anyone else had this happen to them?  How did it turn out?

Thanks in advance for any kind of advice you can give! 

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Re: Baby's head is measuring big, body small?

  • My ob has been my gyno for years. She often errs on the side of caution and ordered a mammogram once for a swollen duct. It covers her tracks and gives the patient peace of mind. I would think your ob wants to be safe rather than sorry. Big heads run in my family though so I wouldn't be surprised if this LO didn't have a head that measured slightly big.
    Then and now. How did my boy get so big? 

  • Thanks,

    I'm trying not to worry too much.  When DH was born they thought he had encephalitis his head was so big, but it turns out he was just fine.  I definitely will call my doctor to hear her take on the situation when she is available.  Who orders an ultrasound on a Sunday anyway?  

    Thanks for the reassurance though :)  

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  • I have been measuring big, so another ultrasound was ordered.  By baby's femur I should be 34 weeks, but by his head he is supposed to be 38 weeks.  The doctor didn't seem concerned.  Said he might have a bigger head, but also said that this far along, the measurements are "within the margin of error" of one another.

    I am sure your LO will be fine!

    DH and I married 8 years. Mom of three, stepmom of one.


  • As long as no other abnormalities were picked up I wouldn't worry at all. My little man's femurs and arms are measuring a week behind, his belly is measuring perfectly, and his head is 2-3 weeks ahead. I did IVF so I know the exact conception date too. I have had weekly ultrasounds and growth scans every four weeks since I was 16 weeks along and things have consistently measured like this since then. My MFM said he is not worried at all as there are no abnormalities and with weekly ultrasounds they would have picked up a problem by now. All babies grow at different rates and are proportioned differently. I just think we will have really cute babies with slightly larger heads Big Smile
  • At 33 weeks my belly was measuring small so I also had a U/S. The head was also bigger than the rest of the body...though not by as much as yours. The head I think was about a week ahead of the abdomen. My OB didn't even mention it, I only noticed it on the measurements sheet. So couldn't be too worrisome. I'm sure you'll just have one smart baby :)
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  • Thanks for the reassuring comments, everyone! It's good to know that there are some in the same boat as me.  Hopefully they're just really smart! Still haven't gotten my call from the MW but I'm not too worried anymore :)
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