DS was supposed to spend the weekend at my parent's house so DH and I could have a weekend to ourselves. He ended up getting sick instead. I thought, "Well, that sucks but we will plan another time."
Then we had to take my dog to the vet for a knee injury. She's fine ... $450 later. (xray, pain meds, and then she was due for her preventative care for heartworm, etc)
Oh, yea .... and our a/c died this evening. You know, in the 104 degree heat.
Effing awesome.
Re: This weekend SUCKS
We have someone coming out tomorrow morning to fix the air (thank goodness!) I just hope it's a nice, simple fix. But the unit is over 10 years old so I am sure it will be a nice hefty bill.
In the meantime I've got three fans circulating in and around DS's room. It actually feels quite nice ... I may go sleep in his room tonight.
I hope your kid, your dog, and your A/C all feel better soon