I'm working on an attempt at the J-O-Y pics. DH suggested today that we do one pic of just DD (the best one so far is the "O" one below), one of DH and me (below), and one of maybe DD and the puppy (yet to be taken).
What do you think of these pics--especially the one of DH and me? Cute enough for a holiday card, or would it be much better to just have 3 pics of DD (who is much cuter than both DH and me, of course!)? Be honest...I can take it!
My blog: Bear With Us
Ideas on Teaching Your Toddler/Preschooler at Home
Re: PIP's: Good enough for holiday cards or no?
I love the o one of your daughter. I don't like the "Y" pic. It isn't fun or even happy looking. Put on some more festive clothes and hit a silly pose then take the pic. don't do a full body shot unless the y is going to be bigger.
Just my two cents.
I think with the idea of having you & DH with one letter, your DD with another, and the puppy with another is the "posing." Like in your DD's photo with the O, the O is huge... but then with the pic of you and DH, the Y looks small... Proportionally I think they'd look odd side-by-side... one being a closeup and one not.
But that's just my opinion.
i'm not a fan of the quality of the photo(s). ?and the background is no good.
agreed about the "y." ?not a happy looking picture. ?i vote for either DD for all 3, or you each take a letter.?
Aha. I had the same concerns about a) the boring factor of our posed pic, and b) the proportional size of the letters b/c of the different zooming of the pics. DH just wanted to have my belly in our pic as part of the whole idea of the "joy," but I know we don't look particularly joyful in our pic, either! lol (I have braces and don't like to show them in pics, for one thing).
I guess we'll have to either keep working at it, or stick with the "just DD" option, which is what I was leaning toward until DH talked me into his idea today.
Kiwi Fruit, 10.2.06 & Ellie Bug, 4.5.09
My blog: Bear With Us
Ideas on Teaching Your Toddler/Preschooler at Home
The size of the letters needs to be in proportion for it to look right. The backgrounds need to be the same, and clothing coordinate across the 3 pics.
No way on the pic of you and your DH. You both look a tad miserable, and not dressed up enough for a holiday pic. You also can't tell the letter is a Y.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008