July 2011 Moms

MMR vax

First off, I am 100% on board with vaccinations.

I was just wondering if any of you have heard about "splitting up" the MMR vaccine.

My cousins daughter who is autistic told me I should request the vaccines in separate doses, given at separate times (at least a week in between). This is supposedly due to the high levels of mercury? Or something like that.

I had never heard of this but was wondering if there is any truth /good reasoning behind it?

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Re: MMR vax

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    Our pedi gave us the option of splitting the MMR and chicken pox bc they are both live vaccines and can cause more of a reaction than non live ones.  We are planning on doing the one and then waiting about a month (or whatever the dr recommends) and then doing the second one.
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    There's really no proof that vaccines cause Autism. My friend who was pretty anti most vaccines(because she was convinced they caused autism) son was just diagnosed with Autism.
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    I see no reason to split the vaccine.  The MMR-V combo was sometimes associated with febrile seizures (likely due to a fever brought on by the live vaccine - febrile seizures occur in 1/25 children anyway, so it is NOT vaccine related but fever related).  So most people give the MMR and then the Varicella vaccine (two shots, same day, no increase in febrile sz).  My PCP gives this vaccine at 15mo, but I'm getting it at 12mo because we are moving and going to an international destination and I want my child protected NOW.
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    There's really no proof that vaccines cause Autism.

    This. Plus, there have been no known side effects of the murcury in general. I would prefer my daughter get poked once and feel sick for a couple days, then get poked mutiple times over the course of a month or two.

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    There's really no proof that vaccines cause Autism. My friend who was pretty anti most vaccines(because she was convinced they caused autism) son was just diagnosed with Autism.
    I wasnt saying I thought they caused autism, I was just stating where I had heard of the idea to split the vaccines :-)

    I'm a firm believer in giving all vaccinations, I was just wondering if anyone had any insight on the specifics on splitting this particular vaccination.

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    It has actually become more difficult to receive the MMR as three separate shots as manufacturers have drastically cut down on production since most people use the combination vaccine.  Obviously they are still out there, but if its something you are considering definitely contact your pedi to even see if they offer it.  

    As far as giving the MMR on a separate day as the chicken pox, that is actually something we considered even thought I am very strict about making sure we get all vaccines.  Two "big" shots like that on the same day can be tough on a little body.  In the end DD got both on the same day with no reaction and we will do the same with DS.  

    ETA: Also, depending on the manufacturer of the vaccine, splitting the MMR into three separate shots could actually increase the amount of preservatives your little one is getting as each shot will have to be "stabilized" versus just doing one dose.  

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    There's really no proof that vaccines cause Autism. My friend who was pretty anti most vaccines(because she was convinced they caused autism) son was just diagnosed with Autism.
    I wasnt saying I thought they caused autism, I was just stating where I had heard of the idea to split the vaccines :-)

    I'm a firm believer in giving all vaccinations, I was just wondering if anyone had any insight on the specifics on splitting this particular vaccination.

    Sorry, I misread your comment because you mentioned someone else had Autism and when you were discussing splitting the vax.

    i was also kind of confused too because you saif ion your OP that were 100% on board with vax

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