Toddlers: 24 Months+

Swim lessons aren't going well...

Day 1- Kept getting out of the kids pool and going to the big pool on his own

Day 2- Cried almost the entire time because I couldn't get in with him...swam the last 5 mins because I bribed him. 

Day 3- Did fine (per DH, I wasn't there)...stayed with the group, didn't cry, got a popsicle after

Day 4- Ran to dad twice. I didn't consider that too bad but DH took his sucker for the day. 

Day 5- Wouldnt hold onto the edge and went too far on his own, so he started to drown. Teacher went to get him and the other child started to go under. She scolded DS and made him sit out, and then he wouldnt sit still. I could tell she was getting extremely frustrated and raising her voice. We had a long talk about not listening to his teacher and he lost his sucker for the day.

Its kind of embarrassing. He's the youngest in a class of 4-5 (though only 2 showed today), but no one else is doing this stuff, and he's probably only 6 mo younger than the rest. He only has 3 more lessons so I'm keeping him in it. It should be good prep for preschool in the fall, he doesn't listen much at home but he's 100x worse with people he doesn't know.  

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Re: Swim lessons aren't going well...

  • I was a lifeguard for many years and taught children this young. You should not force him to do the lessons, he could become traumatized. Water can be very scary for young children. I would never make a child this young get in the water if he didn't want to. You can still teach him about water safety from outside the pool....and to say it's embarrassing is pretty harsh, IMO. Um, you said he was drowning. I wouldn't want to get back in the water either!!!

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  • MrsSRMrsSR member

    He's in lessons by himself already?

    Wow!  The classes here don't allow that for a long time.... the little ones are always with a parent.

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  • imagebrewcitybride:

    I was a lifeguard for many years and taught children this young. You should not force him to do the lessons, he could become traumatized. Water can be very scary for young children. I would never make a child this young get in the water if he didn't want to. You can still teach him about water safety from outside the pool....and to say it's embarrassing is pretty harsh, IMO. Um, you said he was drowning. I wouldn't want to get back in the water either!!!

    I guess I didn't explain well. He's a fish. He swims in our pool just fine....its just that he doesn't want to stay with the teacher or listen to her. He isn't traumatized, he just wants me to get in with him.  

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  • I am amazed that they are letting him have lessons on his own also.  DD is a fish and can easily swim with the preschool level but because she is 2.5 I cannot find any where that will let her take anything but mommy and me.  They keep telling me that from their experience younger kids never do well in those classes - attention level and separation issues.  So, although I am sorry it is not going well; your post makes me feel better about not putting DD in more swim lessons this summer.
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  • LSU628LSU628 member
    DD did lessons and it was a 2-1 student to teacher ratio. That many kids in one class with just one teacher seems like its just asking for trouble. Can you get in the pool or sit on the edge  next to him to make sure he is OK and listening to directions?
  • imageLSU628:
    DD did lessons and it was a 2-1 student to teacher ratio. That many kids in one class with just one teacher seems like its just asking for trouble. Can you get in the pool or sit on the edge  next to him to make sure he is OK and listening to directions?

    I like that idea, Can you get in the pool with them. Tim is taking a swim lesson in July and I'm allowed in.

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