ive been told by friends (iI dont see the dr until july 25), that eating to much peanut butter will result in peanut allergies for the baby, but iI also saw where moms who were pregnant ate peanut butter their whole pregnancy and the baby was fine. im only 6 weeks along. so ive found that peanut butter and jelly sandwiches have helped with morning sickness. iI need help with this please.
Re: Peanut butter..
I heard about this, too, while I was pregnant. I read lots on both sides (yes, it's bad/no, it's not) and asked both my OB and MFM about it. They both assured me eating peanut butter was just fine. So I did. And now both my kids are allergic to peanuts (among other things).
Do I wish I'd avoided all peanut butter while I was pregnant? No. Do I wish I hadn't had peanut butter every day? YEP. (I ate an apple with peanut butter almost every day I was pregnant as my afternoon snack.)
IUI #3 gave us the best 2nd anniv. gift ever: 2 babies! (born 03/09/10)
Peanut and Little Man are getting so big! 2 years old already!
finally blogging again at This Will Be: An Adventure
I ate just about as much peanut butter when pregnant with DD than when pregnant with DS.
He is not allergic to peanut butter (or anything else that we are aware of) but she has had reactions to peanuts and other foods through BM or contact.
I say just eat...
During my first pregnancy i ate PB like it was going out of style and my DS1 has a peanut allergy. I ate eggs all the darn time and my DS1 has an egg allergy. I drank a LOT of milk with DS1 and he has a milk allergy. I'm a vegetarian so i ate a lot of soy products and he had a soy allergy.
When i was pregnant with DS2, i ate everything in moderation (NO PB though since DS1 reacted to it no matter when i ate it). never anything too much and even though he's only 7 months old, he hasn't shown any signs of an allergy (DS1 at 7 months old was already in the ER due to a reaction).
So i would just eat everything in moderation.
FYI - i recently had PB just to see if my DS2 would react to it via breastmilk and he did not. While DS2 reacted to it via breast milk at that age.
I never touched the stuf and now my kid is allergic. So there goes that theory!