My husband and I are gunshy at choosing a name if our baby is a girl. Let me know which of the five you like or if you have any suggestions! Thanks :-)
Sylvia Lynn Anderson (my great grandmother was named Sylvia, my mom's midlde name is Lynn)
Neva Lynn Anderson (my husband's grandmother was named Neva)
Isabelle Lynn Anderson
Vivienne Lynn Anderson
Lillian Jane Anderson (my husband's mother's name is Jane)
Thank you for your help!
Re: Help me choose our baby girl's name!
Sylvia Lynn is so sweet and under used!
Is Neva said as Nee-va or Nev-ah?
Sylvia Lynn Anderson -while Sylvia is nms, it is pretty, and I like the significance of the name.
Neva Lynn Anderson - See Sylvia
Isabelle Lynn Anderson - Isabelle is a nice name, it's just obscenely popular
Vivienne Lynn Anderson- I love this name, it's my favorite from your list, it was on our short list for girl names.
Lillian Jane Anderson This is also a very pretty name. This is my second favorite on your list.
Nice list overall! Vivienne is my favorite on the list. I think I would like the name better as Vivienne Jane though. Vivienne and Lynn rhyme just a little.
1/12/13 DD was born
4/9/16 DS was born
9/17 CP
6/23/18 BFP EDD 3/4/19
Neva would pronounced Nee-va. My husband agrees that Isabelle is really popular, and he's afraid people will call her Bella. He HATES Twilight :-)
Thanks for your insight ladies!
I love Sylvia and Jane out of your list. I've thought about Sylvia Jane before...
I think out of your combinations I like Sylvia Lynn and Lillian Jane best
Good Luck!
I'm not usually a fan of Sylvia, but I really like it with the middle name and your last name.
I also like Lillian Jane. But my DD's mn is Jane, so I'm biased about this choice!