I'm just not emotionally involved in this election. I voted and I hope my candidate wins, but I'm not going to be completely crushed or devastated, etc. if he loses??
?Is this just because I'm "young" and haven't had an election really affect (or is it effect) my life before???
Re: election related.. Maybe I'm naive but...
Maybe what is potentially at stake doesn't really affect you or you're not all passionate about it-I'm jealous!!
I think we all have different reasons for voting- mine are close to my heart this time, but in the past (well...not 2004...) I have been mildly indifferent.
I really can not wait for it to be over!!
Yes. ?I think that's exactly what I was trying to say! ?Some people in my town are so ANTI-Obama.. and then there are others who are ANTI-McCain.
My ILs are Anti-Obama, while my family is Anti-McCain. It's lose-lose for me, b/c I'll hear about how it was rigged or how it sucks or how we're all going to burst into flames b/c the?"right" side didn't win... ?
Kiwi Fruit, 10.2.06 & Ellie Bug, 4.5.09
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Not at all insulting!!
I wish this were the case. DH and I have followed the election pretty closely, tivo'd all the debates, etc. ?I don't know. ?
You're probably not alone. I'm not overly invested in this election for a lot of reasons, but mostly I just hope that this country can get over whoever wins and work together to fix what's wrong.
Most of the people at my polling place were like you (and me). Just business as usual.
Also I don't really LOVE either candidate, so while I'm passionate about politics, I'm not passionate about either of them.