
Need help with a gross question

DD just pooped and she was straining to get it out for a few mins.  It was quite a bit and pretty hard and pebble like.  When I wiped her, she cried and I noticed blood on the wipe.  I looked in her diaper after the change and saw that there was some blood in the poop.  Is this likely b/c it was hard and she strained or is the "bloody stool"?  Do I need to call the pedi?

Re: Need help with a gross question

  • Is the actual poop bloody or is it just.. kind of.. around? ?I know, that's gross too.?


    I would think that it's just because she strained if it's around. ?

  • My guess is that it is from the strain- esp if it was hard poop.

    Keep an eye on it . It wouldn't hurt to call the doc-but I bet it was just irritation from a difficult dook.

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  • My first thought would be that its just an anal fissure (from straining), but if the blood is mixed in and throughout it then I'd call the pedi.
  • Most likely from straining and causeing a fissure.  I had it and still do.  Sometimes it is crazy amount of blood.  As long is the stool is not tar like and the blood is red and on the poop rather than thru it, she probably just torn a biut from pushing it out.  Add some fiber to her diet and more water.  If it continues I would call!
    Heather married 10.1.05 Brandon 12.9.06 Kristin 3.22.10 image
  • Yes, I would call.  I was worried once about dd being constipated and he said she can go days without pooping but he would want to be notified if: her stomach is distended, she is vomiting or if there is blood when she finally does go to the bathroom.  It will not hurt to call.
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