
F/U House post about a month ago

After a couple months of looking, we found a great house to rent!  We went and looked at it yesterday and put in an application.  We should find out tomorrow afternoon.  

About a month ago, I posted about a house we found that was near a "friend" of ours, who I found inappropriate text messages between her and DH.  I asked if you guys would still take the house.  Most of you said no and also told me to do what I felt comfortable with.  I sat down with DH and just told him how I felt.  We ended up talking to the real estate agent the next day and the house had been rented the day before, so I guess it just wasn't meant to be.

I am so glad we didn't end up at that house, because this one is so much bigger and better.  It's closer to my ILs also.  Cross your fingers for me we get good news tomorrow.  And thanks for the advice!   Big Smile

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