
Can you help me with a daycare question?

I am a teacher and I currently drive 45 minutes to the babysitter. We adore her, she has had my older DS since he was 6 weeks old and he starts school in the fall. We left her when we moved across town, and then we came back 6 months later because we loved her so much and it was worth the drive.

DD will be with the sitter next year and after this next year of teaching I'm going to quit and work from home. DD will still need to go to daycare 2-3 days a week and DS will go to the public school down the road.

I'm not sure if I should put DD in a local daycare or drive the 90 minute round trip in the morning to drop her off/come back home and then another 90 minute round trip in the afternoon.

Our sitter is wonderful and we love her to pieces. 

DD will be 3 when the change would take place. Any ideas? I'm sure she would benefit from some type of pre-school, but my DH and I just can't figure it out because we love, love, love our sitter.

Re: Can you help me with a daycare question?

  • Personally, commuting for a total of 3 hours a day sounds miserable. I'm not sure I love anyone that much. And I would feel terrible putting my son through that (even thought it's only 1/2 for him). I guess you and your DD are used to the commute, though.

    I also think preschool is really important. In fact, here, they assume kids go to preschool and kindergarten starts off at a higher level because of that. I'm not sure what your sitter would do for her in that respect.  

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  • imagewrite2nicole:

    Personally, commuting for a total of 3 hours a day sounds miserable. I'm not sure I love anyone that much. And I would feel terrible putting my son through that (even thought it's only 1/2 for him). I guess you and your DD are used to the commute, though.

    I also think preschool is really important. In fact, here, they assume kids go to preschool and kindergarten starts off at a higher level because of that. I'm not sure what your sitter would do for her in that respect.  

    My sitter would not do any pre-k type of stuff. This does have me worried about the structure, but the the actual content (she will get that from me, that is my area). The commute does sound awful.  

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  • It's great you love your sitter but the distance would be a no-go for me.  Maybe you can look into putting her into preschool on the days you work and/or find a sitter/daycare closer to home.
  • The distance would be a serious issue for me.  Plus at three, I would be looking for a more preschool or pre-K kind of environment than a home sitter.
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  • imagenbeseau:
    The distance would be a serious issue for me.  Plus at three, I would be looking for a more preschool or pre-K kind of environment than a home sitter.


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  • The price of gas, having a 3 year old bored in the backseat and adding 3 hrs to your already busy day? Doesn't sound to good. There are lots of wonderful sitters and pre-k programs out there. I would put her in pre-k.
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