
Medical Form when leaving DC

My husband and I are leaving DD for the first time to go out of town. What do I need to leave so that ILs can take her to the DR if need be. She suffers from nurse maids elbow and has gymnastics so I worry that she will have an episode and we will be 7 hours away. Just a quick little note (I give permision for X to seek medical care for DD) or something more official..notarized. I guess I could call Pedi tomorrow.

Re: Medical Form when leaving DC

  • I left DS with my mom for a week and just left her a note (I, mags, mother to luc give permission for gma to see medical care in case of emergency) and his insurance card.  I don't think it needs to be notarized.
  • I wouldn't notarize it...but I have a standard note that I give to whomever has the kids (my family is an hr away)

    I _______ hereby give permission for ________________ to make emergency medical decisions for my child(ren)_____________________  in my absence on Month/Date/Year to Month/Date/Year.

    I can most likely be contacted at (555)555-5555 if there are any questions.

    _________________________     ______________________

    Mother's Signature                      Father's Signature

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  • The best way to do it (I've worked for doctors for years) is to make sure your in-laws names are listed, the child's name is listed (how it is with insurance...not nicknames), your names and a line where you can sign, the dates  you're DC is in their care, copies of insurance and prescription cards.  It is also a good idea to include the SS# and birthdate of the subscriber (the parents who the insurance is through).  In the offices I worked at that was mandatory.  Make sure you include any medication allergies (or latex, etc) and medication the DC is taking.  It is a good idea to list the pedi's name and number (in case the DC goes to the hospital instead of the doctors office).  Make sure there is a number you can be reached at...just in case.  I know it sounds like a lot but grandparents don't remember stuff when there is an emergency.  If you're in-laws know your address really well then you don't have to include it (I would though).  I worked for Urgent Care and got grandparents bringing children in all the time without the necessary information.  They are forever on the phone with the parent to get it and then there is still no insurance the address of where the cliams go (that is why it is nice to have a copy of the front and back of the card).  Also, re: subscribers SS#...some insurances still use those for identification purposes.
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