My husband and I are leaving DD for the first time to go out of town. What do I need to leave so that ILs can take her to the DR if need be. She suffers from nurse maids elbow and has gymnastics so I worry that she will have an episode and we will be 7 hours away. Just a quick little note (I give permision for X to seek medical care for DD) or something more official..notarized. I guess I could call Pedi tomorrow.
Re: Medical Form when leaving DC
I wouldn't notarize it...but I have a standard note that I give to whomever has the kids (my family is an hr away)
I _______ hereby give permission for ________________ to make emergency medical decisions for my child(ren)_____________________ in my absence on Month/Date/Year to Month/Date/Year.
I can most likely be contacted at (555)555-5555 if there are any questions.
_________________________ ______________________
Mother's Signature Father's Signature