We are expecting #3 in January and arent finding out the sex. In considering names for #3, I am a bit torn! My DS and DD both have "C" names. DS was on purpose, but DD's was just coincidence. Should we continue with the "C's" or not? Im not sure I like any other "C" names as of yet! I dont want #3 to be the odd one out. What are you thoughts? Any suggestions on "C" names? (we dont like off the wall names, but definitely not in the top 200-300 names! Thanks!!
DS #1 10/21/06
DD #2 04/11/10
DS #3 01/28/13
Edd #4 08/28/15

Re: #3 on the way...should we keep the "trend"?
I say to ditch the C-trend precisely because your other kids have C-names! #3 will not feel left out. For example, I am a twin and my twin sister's fn is a family name. Mine is not... it's just a name my parents loved. I've always loved the fact that I got a name my parents just loved and felt fit me as a unique person... it's never bothered me that they didn't keep the "theme" of family name with me just because my identical twin got a family name (in fact, a lot of the family names suggested for me are names I would have hated growing up, and I would have felt frustrated that I was named more based on a theme than based on what makes for a good name and what fits me as a unique person best).
Give your child a name that suits him/her and that you love... that is all a child really needs, IMO.
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
Anyway, you also said that you have other names picked out! I'd go with those instead of worrying #3 will feel left out. As a PP said... I'd prefer to be individual and unique. I'm sure they'll have a lot in common.. their name shouldn't be one of those things! Choose a name you and you DH love, not one that you feel you have to due to trend..
Personally I would ditch the C trend.. name them like a complete new individual child! I can't imagine anyone being tormented in life because two of their sibs had the same first letter and they didn't
No need to keep the C trend going. My 2 sisters have C names and I don't. I never felt left out at all.
I just want to give you a world as beautiful as you are to me.
I think FIRST go with a name you love but I do find it odd why you would stop a trend that you started (even if not on purpose) but its your kids. If it were "me" and my other 2 kids were "C" names and I was only having one more I would go with a "C" name. It would be too random for me to switch up the flow....
Natural Miscarriage 2006
BFP March 19th! - Due Date11/25/14
I agree with this. I'd personally keep the trend going.
I don't think two names is a trend. It's just a coincidence.
Three, however, is a theme. A theme I personally find super annoying.
Go with the name you love!
DD (5 years old) from IUI in 2012
TTC 3rd and final!: IUI #1 in progress!