Cloth Diapering

CD leaking while BWing

LO naps alot while BWing, and I end up with a puddle of pee on my shirt. Different diapers, and it's not like they come off drenched. She only naps up to an hour usually. Any thoughts as to what I can check/do differently?


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Re: CD leaking while BWing

  • I know you can get compression leaks with microfiber. What kind of diapers are you using?
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Mostly BG 4.0 and flip some CB and blueberry - I believe all microfiber?! I didn't even know there were a different kind Embarrassed
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  • imagestacey1279:
    Mostly BG 4.0 and flip some CB and blueberry - I believe all microfiber?! I didn't even know there were a different kind Embarrassed
    You can always get some other inserts to put under the microfiber like bamboo or hemp. That might help the leaks.
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Are you sure it's the diaper leaking? Do you have leaks any other time? I sometimes get a little damp spot on my shirt from sweat when I wear LO in the carrier. It could be a compression leak too, though.
  • Is the diaper soaked when you change her afterwards? When I BW DD, I ALWAYS have wet spots where her torso is touching me because she is a sweaty beast! It def feels like she peed on me sometimes! lol.

    I'd check to see how wet she is. if her dipes are soaked, you may need more absorbency, OR her positioning could be making the diapers gape open around the legs, so you may need to make them a bit tighter.

    Our Daycare is REALLY bad about putting the dipes on tight enough, and they always complain that they leak, but it's because they aren't snug around her thighs. :)

    Proud mama to Rylee Quinn, born 3 months early at 28 weeks. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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