Hello I am Matt I am a brand new Dad my baby girl was born 06062012.
I would like to find other dads to talk to and share things that I just can't talk to my loving wife.
Some times there are things I need to talk to others and don't need to stress the wife with.
I like to ride horses I work hard I do the best I can to care for my family. I am 24 and this my first baby with my wife and would like others to talk to.
Thanks for reading this have a grate day.
Re: New Dad New to this sight
Welcome Matt and congrats!
We do a pretty decent job of asking questions, having dialogue and offering advice. The lovely ladies from other boards hop on sometimes and toss in their two cents, which is cool, but just want to give you a heads up about that.
Otherwise, I've been here for a few weeks and I find it pretty decent. Hope you stick around and bring us your questions and wisdom! My kid is not due until September so you are already ahead of the game with you little one already home.