Warning: DS mentioned below.
Hey girls! Here is a quick recap of my history:
Perhaps you remember me as the girl who had the worst possible case of OHSS pretty much ever.
I was on IF (before this board) for a long time. I keep up with lots of girls on here and on the private FB boards.
I have PCOS. I never ovulate. I take Provera monthly to bleed.
Summer 2009- Clomid a few times- never produced a follicle.
Nov 2009- Tried to do an injectable IUI- but produced over 20 follicles, so it was cancelled.
Jan 2010- Fresh IVF cycle. Severe OHSS. Three blood clots. Drained several times for the OHSS. In the hospital for almost 2 weeks. Out of work for over a month. Was on Coumadin for 6 months. Seriously almost died. Had to wait to do FET until all three clots were gone. Had frosties.
Aug/Sep 2010- BFN
Sep/Oct 2010- chemical pregnancy
Nov 2010- BFP which led to my son.
No more frosties left.
DS will be 11 months old this week. We are doing a fresh IVF cycle starting the end of July, starting meds around his 1st bday.
DH has always been fine, but the recent semen analysis showed that his morph is terrible. Urologist and RE both said we would have to do IVF because of DH's problems anyway. He also has more varicoceles (which he had years back before we tried for kids). No surgery this time on the varicocles though since we are going to do IVF anyway.
I LOVE my RE. LOVE. I know I am in good hands with him, but because of everything that happened with me in the past when I did the fresh IVF cycle, I am pretty terrified. Not going to lie.
We have another RE appointment tomorrow. We met with him a few times for discussions. I also met with my hematologist again recently. Tomorrow, we will get everything squared away and all my meds set up, etc.
So where do I post? I am on the SAIF FB boards, but there isn't too much action on cycling on there. Can I post here? I understand if I can't. I really don't want to offend anyone. But I would love to be able to post here. It really feels like home to me. Please tell me what you girls think.
Re: Cycling again...where do I post now?
TTC #1
IVF #2 w ICSI-6/21/11 ER, 4 Eggs, 2 Fertilized, 6/24/11 3 day ET 2 embryos- Beta 7/5/11- BFN- No frosties.
IUI #1- started 50ius of follistim 1/25, IUI 2/3/12 - BFN
AMH-0.73- DOR 2/2012
IUI #2- 3/17/12 started 200ius of Follistim , 3/24/12 added ganirelix, 225ius Follistim and 75ius of repronex, IUI- 3/30/12, Beta April 13, 2012-BFN
Appointment with Dr. Schoolcraft at CCRM July 18, 2012
AMH tested again 1/2013- 1.4!!!!
IUI #3- 1/14/13 started 200ius of Follistim, 1/20/13 added menopur and ganirelix, IUI 1/25/13. Positive HPT 2/6/13- Beta #1- 193- BFP!!! 2/8/13-Beta#2-426.6
2/26 ultrasound #1- TWINS!
Delivered a healthy beautiful baby boy on 10/17/13 10ls. 2 ounces
IUI #4 cancelled due to only one egg responding
PAIF or SAIF Welcome
2 years, 2 surgeries, 2 clomid fails, 2 IUIs, 1 loss, IVF #1 - 10/25/10 = BFP!, DS is now 3.5yrs!
TTC #2 - 6/12 surgery #3, FET #1 & 1.2 = BFN, 12/2012 FET #2 = BFP! DD is 1.5 yrs!
Surprise! 12/16/14 BFP, loss #2 12/31/14
I can't wait for the "im getting a divorce" post in 5 years or so because your husbands were fed up with your disgusting chair asses from playing on the knot all day and getting fired 4-5 times for not doing any work. you guys are all winners!! ~ Laur929
posting here is fine cutie!
Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, It empties today of its strength. ~Corrie ten Boom
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow. ~Mary Anne Radmacher (thank you beadinglady)
It's been a long journey. TTC since 9/06. multiple IUI's and IVF's and 4 m/c's. IVF#3 = BFP, twins, induced at 34w6d due to baby b passing away (no explanation). Delivered on 35w1d, Baby A - baby girl, and Baby B - baby boy, our little angel.
MTHFR A1298C & C677T, Immune Issues and Factor II
Okay, great. Thanks girls. I will need you.
I look forward to posting more on here. I lurk every day and post sometimes. It has been really slow on here!
IVF #1 1/10-transfered 2 blasts- DS born 10/2010
March 2015- Chemical pg
1/25/16- BFP Beta1 12dpo = 17, Beta 2 14 dpo = 28.. resulted in one beautiful boy born 9/21/16
Now I'm a stay at home loving life and pursuing my love of photography!!!
Welcome! Nice to read someone else's storyabout severe OHSS (although I am truly you had to go through that). It makes me feel like less of a freak. I didn't have any blood clots but my kidneys did start to fail and I had almost 20 lbs of fluid drained the first night in the hospital. I had to wear a drain from my side for 2 weeks and still have a nice scar. Good times.
Best of luck with your next cycle!
After more than 2 years of fertility treatments, FET did the trick!
IVF March 2012 - BFP! - Severe OHSS = 8 days in the hospital in kidney failure
No heartbeat at 10w6d
FET August 27,2012 = BFP!
It's a boy!
My Blog - 3 Dogs, No Baby
Hey there!!
Glad to see you!
Good luck on your cycle!!!!!
TTC #2 since June '08
~*DD 10.21.07*~
dx unexplained
IUI #1-4 BFN
IVF#1 June 2011 BFN
IVF#2 Dec 2011
Beta#1 12/21 : 812 Beta#2 12/23 : 1634
EDD 8/25
Dx: PCOS, Anovulatory, Amenorrhea 2006
TTC: Sept 2008
IVF#1 Cancelled due to breast biopsy.05/01/20
IVF#1.2- 9/2010 - Cancelled Oversurpressed
IVF#2 Microdose Lupron 10/2010 Beta 11/09=BFN

IVF#3 2/2011 - 2 blasts(2/25) Beta 03/11 =BFN
IVF#4 Lupron 01/02 =2 blasts, beta's 1-4 198,234,398,3100!!BFP
FET 3/2014 2 blasts BETA 3/20=BFP TWINS EDD 11/27 TEAM PINK!!!
Holy Moly. We could write a book together. LOL. OHSS was worse than pretty much anything ever.
TTC since 2007
6 IUIs, 3 IVFs, and 2 m/c :< PCOS, Blood Clotting Disorder & MFI
IVF #2 Aug 2011 is a BFN:<
IVF #3 March 2012 is a BFN
Not sure what to do now. Sad and lost.