Ack! I am freaking out a bit.

I've wanted a VBAC from the start and Dr is fine with it but now that the reality is here I am a little freaked. It looks like my body knows what's going on b/c I've been having contractions all day (which is completely different from DD) so I feel completely clueless. I guess the reality is just hitting me since it is pretty much imminent in the next day or 2. 
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Re: Ack! I am freaking out a bit.

  • Don't get freaked, get excited! :-)  It will be quite a different experience.  I like that my two children have totally different birth stories.
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  • Best of luck to you!  It's wonderful that you are getting your chance to VBAC.  Don't be scared at all.  I wish I would start contracting already... I think this kid is going to make me wait until the last possible minute.  Now if only I could change my fate and not have another breech baby I'd really be a happy. 
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  • Trust your body, it knows what it's doing!  Good luck, hope everything goes smoothly :-)
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