FI and I are still up in the air for Baby names. We liked Dean for a while but then I realized that I didn't really like the way it paired with DS's name(Quinton). We kinda liked Desmond for a while, but now not so much.
So, if you ladies wouldn't mind, helping us with some name options that would go with Quinton. We like uncommon names but ones that have been heard of before(not youneek please) I have a pretty uncommon first name and I tend to like them. FI is Greek and I am English. Last name is pretty complicated, yeah, its been a bit hard.
Wanna help me out? Every list I bring to FI he shuts them down. But when I ask him what he likes he just blurts out things like, Michael, Christopher, Anthony. But only says them because they are the first names he thinks of(there are tons of Mike,Chris and Tony's lol)
Re: Too many names!!!
Grant, Leopold, Atticus, Maxwell, Finnegan, Wyatt, Clark, Seamus, Patrick, Benjamin, Orion, Levi...
Any of those strike your fancy? Have you tried to see if it can come up with anything you (or YH) like?
I really like Desmond. Some other ideas:
Arthur, Archer, Cedric, Damian, Donovan, Everett, Felix, Graham, Grant, Hugh, Isaac, Jonah, Lawrence, Louis/Lewis, Leo, Max, Samson, Simon