
AW: My Preemie is 1

My 31 weeker is 1 today!  I cant believe how fast this year went.  I remember the day he was born so vividly and am just overwhelmed with all different emotions over it.  It was about this time last year that I was told that my baby had to be born soon because I was so sick, my body failing.  I was terrified, as I know all you can relate to.  But now I am focusing on the good and all of our blessings.

My thoughts and prayers are always with you ladies, your families and little ones.

We did a one year photo shoot, the link below was posted on my BMB.  It just has a few pictures.

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Re: AW: My Preemie is 1

  • The pic's are so cute!  Happy Birthday to the big boy!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image
  • Happy Birthday Logan!



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  • Love the pics!! How adorable.  Thank you for posting.

    And, Happy Birthday to your LO!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Congratulations on a successful year! He's so adorable! It seems my daughter now shares his birthday; hopefully she has even half the strength and tenacity your dear one must have! :) Your son sure looks like he was loving that photo shoot!
    March 2017 September Siggy Challenge: Favorite Fall Things

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • imageCaitlinH88:
    Congratulations on a successful year! He's so adorable! It seems my daughter now shares his birthday; hopefully she has even half the strength and tenacity your dear one must have! :) Your son sure looks like he was loving that photo shoot!

    Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl.  I hope your stay in the NICU is short and uneventful.  Never under estimate the power of preemies.  I will keep you and your LO in my thoughts and prayers.  June 27th is a great day!!


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