
Want To Name Our DD? (Clicky)

Since I have a little over two weeks, I figure we should have this a bit more nailed down than we do. 

I already know the BNB's opinion but you usually get completely different responses on the tri and age boards.

Our last name sounds similar to Shaeffer. (prob spelled that wrong cuz, it's like...not really our LN)

If one of the names makes you vom in your mouth, don't hesitate to tell me before I strap my darling girl with it!


ETA: I agree that Ellison Isabella is a mouthful. If you like Ellison as a first name, could you pretty please with sprinkles on top suggest a middle name?? :) 

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Re: Want To Name Our DD? (Clicky)

  • imagepolicewife314:
    Is Ellison a family name? I think it's really pretty as a first name but Isabella is way overused and NMS but that's all JMO. Same with Mia and Zoe. 
    Nope. We just like it. Thanks :) 

    I know. The trendiness of the other 3 names is what's bugging me. Isabella was my grandmother's middle name. DH wanted it as a first name but Twilight sank that ship before it could even sail.  

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  • I picked Mia but I also wanted to throw out my favorite name that doesn't work with our last name: Vivian. I love it and I'm sad we can't use it.

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  • imagechardonnay24:
    I picked Mia but I also wanted to throw out my favorite name that doesn't work with our last name: Vivian. I love it and I'm sad we can't use it.
    I love that name, too - spelled Vivienne, though. Sadly my BFF's sister beat me to it. I know. I know. I can still use it but I'm playing nice. ;)
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  • imagechardonnay24:
    I picked Mia but I also wanted to throw out my favorite name that doesn't work with our last name: Vivian. I love it and I'm sad we can't use it.
    A version of this was on our short list too: Vivienne.  
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  • To me Ellison is a last name and a younique version of Allison...equals made up.
    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
  • I voted for Zoe because (in my mind anyway) it seemed less overdone than Mia, and I think Ellison Isabella is a bit of a mouthful.   Elizabeth (Ella) is our primary girl name, but I also love Avery, Brynn(e) and Hadley.

    2 years, 2 surgeries, 2 clomid fails, 2 IUIs, 1 loss, IVF #1 - 10/25/10 = BFP!, DS is now 3.5yrs!
    TTC #2 - 6/12 surgery #3, FET #1 & 1.2 = BFN, 12/2012 FET #2 = BFP! DD is 1.5 yrs!
    Surprise! 12/16/14 BFP, loss #2 12/31/14

    I can't wait for the "im getting a divorce" post in 5 years or so because your husbands were fed up with your disgusting chair asses from playing on the knot all day and getting fired 4-5 times for not doing any work. you guys are all winners!! ~ Laur929

  • I think Ellison is so pretty. It's not too crazy but it sounds unique enough that there aren't gonna be 11 other Ellison's in the class. I don't know if I'm crazy about the Isabella because I agree that it's overused right now but if you like it and you want it as a middle name I don't think that should stop you. It is just the middle name so it's not like she will be called that. BTW I think all of the names are cute.
  • Mia and Isabella are way too trendy.  I think they are # 1 and 3 on the US list.  I love the name Mila, have you thought of that? (it is going to be our #2's name if it's another girl)

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  • I want to hate Ellison but I can't.  It sounds like a last name which can be bad.  However, I nannied for a McCaffrey and that  name fit her perfectly.  Some last names work and I think Ellison does.  I'm not sure I like it with Isabella as a mn though. 

    Mia is not a favorite of mine at all but I do love Zoe.

  • imagejustAphase:

    I love Mia! I know it's popular according to the ssa list, but I never hear it IRL. Ellison would no doubt get the nn Elli, which I hear everywhere. I don't know if that bugs you or not. 

    Anyhoo, good luck! 

    That's what it seems like to me, too. SSA swears that it's #9 but I feel like its not nearly as trendy as Ellie or even Zo? whose millions of spellings are all over the place.  
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  • imageL&R70707:
    I voted for Zoe because (in my mind anyway) it seemed less overdone than Mia, and I think Ellison Isabella is a bit of a mouthful.   Elizabeth (Ella) is our primary girl name, but I also love Avery, Brynn(e) and Hadley.
    I also think Ellison Isabella is a mouthful. I was looking for a 1 syllable MN but we couldn't agree on any. I love Hadley. DH wouldn't go for it. :(
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  • I'm partial to Mia b/c of DD's name. The middle one is too much of a mouthful.


    bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!

    beta @ 5w0d = 12,026! u/s 4/22/14 @ 8w1d it's twins!

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  • imageEmpireMomof3:

    Before I vote, would you pronounce it My-Ah or Me-Ah?


    Me-ah :)
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  • Is it pronounced L-i-son or L-E-son? It is unique & she would likely be the only one in her class with that name. I always see the -son ending and consider it more masculine since Ellison means "Son of Elias". If I were to use the first name I would pick a shorter MN without the repeated  double L. Possibly Ellison Mia (since it's on your list).
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  • imageBrags0607:
    Is it pronounced L-i-son or L-E-son? It is unique & she would likely be the only one in her class with that name. I always see the -son ending and consider it more masculine since Ellison means "Son of Elias". If I were to use the first name I would pick a shorter MN without the repeated  double L. Possibly Ellison Mia (since it's on your list).
    Short i. Like Allison with an E. 

    Yeah. I think you're right about the middle name.

    What about Ellison Belle? 

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  • I voted for Mia because I know a little girl named Mia and I think she's super cute and awesome.  Love her, love the name!

    image image
  • imageCate1234:
    I think I like Mila better than the other suggestions.  Similar feel to MIa, but not nearly as popular. 
    Me, too. Mila and Mira were both on our list. Mila Ellison seems like too many Ls to me. We'd need a different MN. Any suggestions? :-D
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  • Not digging Ellison as a first name, sorry.  It just sounds like a boy's name to me.
  • I voted for Zoe.  and in my wacky opinion, I'm not sold on Ellison as the middle name. It should be her first name if it's used, it is a pretty first name.

    and I still like Zoe a tiny bit more than Ellison.  I like Zoe Estelle. 


    Patty Matt 4/7/05 and Sean 12/14/06 image
  • I really like Ellison but agree Ellison Isabella is too many e and l sounds in one name.  Anything with Belle as a middle name makes me think of a ship.  Like the Bayou Belle or something.  

    I think a more common middle name, like Michelle or Anne, would help with the uniqueness of Ellison as a first name. 

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    Always Sunny's back b-tches!


  • I keep coming up with Ellison Louise for some reason.  I'm not a fan of Louise, but I like how it sounds with Ellison.


  • My friend's DD s named Ellison Siobhan.  I think it's really pretty.
    Lilypie - (vGZN)

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    BFP2: 10/27/13(edd 7/10/14) "Speck" ~ M/C 12/5/13
  • Ellison Marie?
  • imageMonkeySender:
    Ellison Marie?

    I like it! 

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  • What about Eva, Evie or Evelyn with Ellison?  I love those names but we can't use them bc of our last name. I don't like Isabella, Mia or Zoe. Sorry, just nms. 
  • I also like Ellison with a simple middle name. Ann? or Marie? 

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  • I like PP's suggestion of Mila.  What about Mila Ellison?

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  • imageCTGirl30:

    I like either Mia or Zoe - I don't see either as trendy.

    I can't get on board with Ellison for a girl. She's going to be explaining to people all her life, "No - it's Ellison. With an E. Not Allison with an A."

    Sorry but I feel the same.  It's going to be a constant thing because it's so close to Allison (which is a great name, btw, says the Allison :-p)  But if you do go with it, I wouldn't worry about Ellison Isabella being a mouthful.  Besides the first few days of her life when you're telling everyone and when she's in trouble, you'll rarely use her entire name anyway.

    Formerly known as elmoali :)

  • I love Ellison. I'm a "Katie" (Not Katherine, just Katie) and always feel like I have a little girl name. Ellison sounds professional to me, like she could be a senator, businesswoman, president, etc., but could also go by Ellie or Sunny as a little girl. 

    What about:

    Ellison Rose (Shaeffer)

    Ellison Jane (Shaeffer) 

    About having to explain her name - As I said, I'm a Katie and get asked every.single.time. how to spell my name. And I have a super common name! My kids are Audrey and Bennett and people ask how to spell theirs too. I think it's pretty unavoidable now that everyone has "unique" spellings.  

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  • I love Ellison. 

    Ellison Anne

    Ellison Jane

    Ellison Elizabeth (I like the alliteration but could see where it may be off putting)

    Ellison Kendra

    Ellison Marie

    Ellison Nicole


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  • Ellison Grace?


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  • I love Ellison, its pretty and different but not too different. I like Ellison Mia Sheaffer.
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  • I like all of your options! 

    My daughter is Emery. I don't think it's a Bump favorite but it's not common and not youneek. Our next hypothetical girl will be Ruby. 
  • Ellison Fay

    Ellison Grace

    Ellison Rose

    Ellison Leigh

    Ellison Sage 

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  • Mia. I like it a lot.
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  • imagembenit4:
    I am partial to Mia as you can see that is my DD's name. That being said, I work at SSA so I know about the list. Mia has always been the only Mia in daycare, school, dance, team sports. Zoe is way more common. For me the name has meaning. I lost a baby girl before I had Mia. When I got pregnant with DD, I felt like my other daughter was taken but this one was going to be mine. Mia means "mine" in Spanish and Italian. Her name was supposed to be Mia Angelina (my angel) but my mom talked me out of the middle name. If you like Ellison, go for it. Don't let people talk you out of it. It reminds me of eleison from that song, "Keyrie eleison."
    This is an awesome story. Thanks for sharing it! Yes, I'm Italian and a Spanish teacher so I definitely considers the "mine" meaning and love it. I am Jewish but I'm familiar with Kyrie Eleison and think it's just beautiful. Thanks so much!
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  • imagepinkiemo:

    I really like Ellison but agree Ellison Isabella is too many e and l sounds in one name.  Anything with Belle as a middle name makes me think of a ship.  Like the Bayou Belle or something.  

    I think a more common middle name, like Michelle or Anne, would help with the uniqueness of Ellison as a first name. 

    Haha. I didn't think of a ship :) We're landlocked so I definitely don't see many boat names. 
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  • imageWordsmith226:

    I love one syllable MNs.  I think you could do:

    Ellison Mae

    Ellison Claire

    Ellison Jane

    Ellison Faye


    I considered Ellison Claire so she could go by her MN if she hated her FN but E. Claire = eclair. LOL :)
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  • imageelmoali:

    I like either Mia or Zoe - I don't see either as trendy.

    I can't get on board with Ellison for a girl. She's going to be explaining to people all her life, "No - it's Ellison. With an E. Not Allison with an A."

    Sorry but I feel the same.  It's going to be a constant thing because it's so close to Allison (which is a great name, btw, says the Allison :-p)  But if you do go with it, I wouldn't worry about Ellison Isabella being a mouthful.  Besides the first few days of her life when you're telling everyone and when she's in trouble, you'll rarely use her entire name anyway.

    True. When do we ever use full names. I was thinking of the Ellison not Allison thing - especially with older generations. It could conceivably get very frustrating so I want her to have an equally strong MN to fall back on if she hates her FN. 
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  • imagekatecham:

    I love Ellison. I'm a "Katie" (Not Katherine, just Katie) and always feel like I have a little girl name. Ellison sounds professional to me, like she could be a senator, businesswoman, president, etc., but could also go by Ellie or Sunny as a little girl. 

    What about:

    Ellison Rose (Shaeffer)

    Ellison Jane (Shaeffer) 

    About having to explain her name - As I said, I'm a Katie and get asked every.single.time. how to spell my name. And I have a super common name! My kids are Audrey and Bennett and people ask how to spell theirs too. I think it's pretty unavoidable now that everyone has "unique" spellings.  

    Wow. I never thought of Sunny. How cute!!! Thanks!
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