
2 month schedule?

I'm trying to get my girls on some kind of schedule, they eat every 4 hours or so, but what about a nap pattern/schedule?


Married 07/2011 <3
ID Twin girls 04/2012 <3<3
Baby #3 Due Jan. 2017  <3

Re: 2 month schedule?

  • We're on the 3hr EASY schedule.  It's been working great for us, but daytime sleep is hit or miss.  We try, though.


    It's Eat, Activity, Sleep (You). 

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  • srbmvpsrbmvp member
    I'm still struggling with this.... my boys nurse every 2 hours during the day and sleep at some point. We are kinda on the EASY pattern too, but sometimes they sleep first and then play. Sometimes one sleeps then the other... it's all over the place still....
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  • Okay, that's what I'm trying too, but it is so inconsistent. 

    The only good part about them sleeping in turns during the day is that I get some one on one time with each child. But I'm glad I'm not way off in that they are not consistent at all! I was starting to think I was doing something wrong. :)


    Married 07/2011 <3
    ID Twin girls 04/2012 <3<3
    Baby #3 Due Jan. 2017  <3

  • Without really trying we do eat play sleep, too. Although "play" isn't really that long. They are content for maybe 20 minutes after each feading then the fussing begins .They eat every 3 hours with their last bottle at 9ish then sleep their longest stretch until 2:30-3am. Then they wake every 3 until being "up for the day" at 9am. 

    I am going back to work next week a few days then full time the week after, so I want bedtime to get a little earlier possibly start moving to 8:30 then eventually 8, etc. 

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  • imageBreezy8407:

    Without really trying we do eat play sleep, too. Although "play" isn't really that long. They are content for maybe 20 minutes after each feading then the fussing begins .They eat every 3 hours with their last bottle at 9ish then sleep their longest stretch until 2:30-3am. Then they wake every 3 until being "up for the day" at 9am. 

    I am going back to work next week a few days then full time the week after, so I want bedtime to get a little earlier possibly start moving to 8:30 then eventually 8, etc. 


    Someone here told me to get a good nighttime routine before going back to work and it was the BEST advice ever.


    We do baths at 7, they eat, and they're asleep by 8.  The first week (we started aroud 6/7 weeks) it took them a while, so they were more asleep by 9, but they totally got used to it.  I actually forgot about the kind of rocky start to bedtime.  Now it's like clockwork!! :)  We're SUPER strict about it, too, even though it means our dates are during the day/early dinner. 

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imageninjabridemom:

    Without really trying we do eat play sleep, too. Although "play" isn't really that long. They are content for maybe 20 minutes after each feading then the fussing begins .They eat every 3 hours with their last bottle at 9ish then sleep their longest stretch until 2:30-3am. Then they wake every 3 until being "up for the day" at 9am. 

    I am going back to work next week a few days then full time the week after, so I want bedtime to get a little earlier possibly start moving to 8:30 then eventually 8, etc. 


    Someone here told me to get a good nighttime routine before going back to work and it was the BEST advice ever.


    We do baths at 7, they eat, and they're asleep by 8.  The first week (we started aroud 6/7 weeks) it took them a while, so they were more asleep by 9, but they totally got used to it.  I actually forgot about the kind of rocky start to bedtime.  Now it's like clockwork!! :)  We're SUPER strict about it, too, even though it means our dates are during the day/early dinner. 

    Fortunately my H is home until late august with them, but he hasn't been as strict as me with naps, and I keep trying to reinforce how important they are. Thanks for the encouragement!  

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    Boy/girl twins born at 37w1d and 37w2d

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    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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