We have just started trying to conceive and I've gotten a little excited and picked out our names already. What do you think?
Bennett Robert Allan
I know people on here aren't keen on double middle names but both middle names have family significance. Robert is for my grandpa who recently passed and Allan is my other grandpa's name and my dad's middle name.
Lily June (my fav)
Tali Christine (DH's fav)
Both middle names are family names as well. June and Christine will NOT be first names, don't like them enough for that!
Re: What do you think of these names?
I'm not a fan of Bennett, it's too much of a last name.
I really like Lily June. I don't like Tali or Christine.
I'm not a huge fan of Christine either but all first born females on my side get it as a middle name. It's my middle name, my mom's, my grandma's, etc.
Obviously I have a choice but it's really important to my mom and grandma.
I love Bennet! The double middle names make it sound a bit pretentious, but I understand where you're going with this and he'll never use them both together anyways!
Lily June is really fun and nice. I adore it but in a way prefer Lillian with Lily has a nickname. I think on certain people Lily just gets to cutesy as they grow up.
Tali Christine is not for me at all, but it does flow really well.
Missed m/c found @ 10 weeks - May 2010
Missed m/c found @ 10.5 weeks - August 2012
They are all NMS but they are certainly fine.
Is Tali short for something? It looks unfinished to me. I also like PP's suggestion of Lilian (or Lillian).
All of this.
BFP 11/09 - DD 7/10 - BFP 8/11 - M/C 9/11 - BFP 6/12 - DD - 2/13
Thanks for the replies everyone
I've already tried the Lillian, Liliana, etc. route with DH and he hates them all. It's weird he likes Lily. I think I'll keep trying though, lol! He also hates Natalie even though I think that it is a beautiful name. The cousin he hates has that name, lol!
I do like Talia, I'll run it by DH later, thanks for the suggestion
The boys name is super long but I think I'll go with it because it's really important to me to get those names in, my grandpa's are all very special to me. Maybe I'll try moving the Robert Allan around and see if I like it better. Allan Robert?
Thanks everyone! Keep the suggestions coming!