
Has anyone here potty trained?

He is trained during the day to use the potty but when we go out I use a diaper and at night we use a diaper. 

I guess I get nervous that he will pee himself while we are out. How long did it take for you to lose the diaper when you go out after potty training? 

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Re: Has anyone here potty trained?

  • I've just started leaving the diaper when we are out and I trained 3 months ago.  She still doesn't poop in the potty at all, but I just bring an extra set of clothes in case she poops while we are out. 

    It took 2 1/2 months to get her to pee on a toilet other then home, so that's why we waited 3 months.

    Daughter #1 - February 12, 2010 

    natural m/c March 11, 2011 at 8 1/2 weeks 

    Daughter #2 - January 11, 2012 

    Ectopic pregnancy discovered November 6, 2012 at 6 weeks

    Daughter #3 - January 19, 2014

    Started our exploration into the world of international adoption June 2012.  We have no idea what this is going to look like but we are excited to find out!

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  • Well, we are a little different than your typical potty training sitch.

     DD didn't potty train until she was 3. She downright REFUSED to go potty as long as we had her in pull-ups. Her teacher finally convinced me to start sending her in panties and we did that for a week with two accidents and she was potty trained completely that week. For several weeks after she would wear the Overnites to bed until she had consistently been dry for a month and we dropped those. I would say drop them when going out and keep extra clothes on you at all times. My DD was using them as a crutch and it really held her back. I could kick myself for it.

    DD#1 11.7.07 - DD#2 11.2.10 (3rd Tri Loss)- DD#3 4.18.12
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  • I put away the diapers when my kids were about 80% of the way there.  Asking them if they have to go before you leave any place you're at helps with staying dry while you're out and avoiding accidents. 
    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
  • We still use a diaper at nap and night time, but when we go out, we just try to get her to go potty before we leave.  We also don't willingly give her her sippy cup on the way to somewhere, usually only on the way back home, to avoid inevtable accidents.  If she asks for it we give it to her, but we don't have it there in her car seat for the need to drink out of bordom.  She usally holds it while we are out, even though we take her to the potty once every hour or so that we are out just in case.
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  • I am! Oh, wait, you meant my son. Nope. He doesn't even tell us if he's pooped in his diaper. I'm hoping to try 3 day potty training this summer. Maybe.
  • ppantsppants member
    I PT'd my twins at the same time when they were a little over 2.5 yo. I put a potty chair in the back of my mini van if we were traveling far or a park that might not have a bathroom. I also kept a chair of clothes and underwear in the car also. We never used pull ups. Just went straight to underwear and diapers at night. They were PT overnight before they were 3.
    Wendy Twins 1/27/06. DS and DD
  • We literally just started the process yesterday since DS got a "cheer for me potty" for his 2nd birthday. All I"m doing for now is trying to get him to sit on it before his bath and asking if he needs to go potty. Just planting some seeds - will see if he starts getting more interested as time goes on.
    image > Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We potty trained DS a few months before his 3rd birthday.  He still uses a pull up overnight but is fully trained when awake.  We tried using pull ups when we started training him and that was a complete fail so we stayed home one weekend and put underwear on him.  He had a few accidents in the morning but by the afternoon he was using the potty and by the next day he didn't have any accidents.

    My advice is to just put him in underwear.  As long as you continue to use a diaper while you are out, he's going to pee in his diaper.  He will have some accidents in the beginning but since he's already trained at home, he'll probably learn really quick that he needs to tell you and use a public restroom.  Just bring a change of clothes with you and you'll be fine. 

  • Liam is potty trained pretty well and we only did it this past week using the 3 Day Method.  He only has issues when he's tired or super distracted.  He is good about asking for the potty when we are out (he did it twice today, once at the grocery store and once when we were leaving the aquarium) and tries his best to use it totally independently at home.  He also hasn't had an accident in his bed since the first night we had him in underwear. 

    Basically, we went straight from diapers to underwear and stayed home for three days until he got the idea.  After that we started going out and he actually hasn't had a single accident while we've been out.

    I would think that undies at home and diapers while out sends a mixed message.  I mean, what is going to happen if he pees himself while you are out?  You are going to clean up the mess and change him just like you would at home.  I carry a plastic bag with me to hold soiled items, just in case, and an extra set of undies and shorts/pants.  I also have Liam go to the potty at home before we get in the car which goes a long way in preventing accidents.

    I would just give him a pep talk about asking for the potty and try it out.  I think you'll be surprised.

    image image
  • I potty trained DD#1 at 22 months.  She was extremely verbal and 100% ready.  It took me 3 days in the house.  I never put a diaper on her other than at night from the day we started.  After day 3, we left the house with the potty seat (potette plus)and underwear.  She wore a pull up to bed up until just about 4.  At that point, she was just dry so we stopped using them. 

    I admire you ladies who potty train early but I think if your child still needs to wear a diaper (other than for sleep) and it takes months to train, they're not as ready as you want them to be.  Sorry.  Just my opinion.

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