TTC after 35

HSG and period question

Anyone who has had an HSG were you late getting your period that month? Just wondering if its possible that it could throw everything a little bit off :)  Thank you! :)

Re: HSG and period question

  • I'm sure it's possible, but the HSG did not effect my next cycle.

    TTC since 10/2010
    IUIs # 1-5 = BFFN
    IVF # 1(July 2012) = BFN
    IVF # 2 (November 2012) = BFP (MIssed MC D&C @ 8w3d on 1/10/13)
    IVF # 3 (June 2013) = BFN 
    IVF # 4 (September 2013) = BFP Fraternal twin boys! (Loss at 21w6d due to IC on 1/26/14...devastated.)
    3/21/14--TAC (transabdominal cerclage) w/Dr. Davis in NJ
    IVF # 5 (May 2014) = BFN
    FET (August 2014) = BFN

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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  • I Oed later this month (CD19 - I am typically CD17) - but I was a stressed out mess from my failed attempt at my HSG this cycle.  They are trying a different method and I have to take a suppository to soften my cervix a little this time - hope it works!

     Are you charting?  Any chance you Oed later?

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  • Oh honey I am sorry to hear about the failed HSG ... mine took 3 cath tries before they got it .... I am charting and should have had a temp drop yesterday but did not it still holding steady above my base line .. I do think I O'd a couple days later than normal ... Who knows!!!!!!  Good luck with the suppository!! :)


    Thank you ladies for answers! :)

  • Randi - Thanks for your kind words.  They did try 3 times before giving up.  A radiologist did it since my doc was out during my testing window.  She will be doing it this time and since she does them routinely, I have a lot more confidence in her skills.

    Here's hoping you had great timing this cycle!

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  • Oh I am sure it will be much better with your doc present! :) Good Luck girlie and I hope for a better outcome this time around!  :)  And hopefully it will (as I say) clean out the cobwebs as I feel mine did :))))))))))  Keep us updated :)
  • I got pg on my hsg cycle so good luck to you!
    TTC since Dec. 2010. Me: 37, DH: 38...unexplained RPL
    BFP #1 - missed m/c 4.18.11 found @8w3d, d&c @13w 
    BFP #2 blighted ovum found 8.2011 @8w, misoprostol
    BFP#3 - missed m/c 6.11.12 @ 9w3d, d&c revealed extra chromosome 15
    BFP#4 8.10.12, DD born 4/26/13
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