We loved it. Kiddo was a little frightened by Mordu, but she gets a kick out of being frightened so it was all good. I loved it, and also cried a little. or maybe a lot. My movie theatre has self serve butter for the popcorn so we were all happy.
I did, not my favorite Pixar. It was DD's first movie so she did okay considering. It was too much a Disney movie, and far less a Pixar movie. The story was a bit shallow, and they could have done a lot more with it. The whole tag line of changing your fate, was sort of dumb considering what happened when she did...
I dunno just my two cents.
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We enjoyed it. My daughter is 6, and she really liked it. She likes going to the movies though.....and I totally cried at the end, but I blame my pregnancy horomones.
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Didn't see it, but there was an 8 year old at my 2 year olds bday party this weekend who had her own "Brave" bow and arrow and quiver of arrows slung over her shoulder during the entire party. And she did some target practice in our backyard.She also happens to have red hair so it was really cute. I thought it was pretty cool to see a little girl excited about and imitating a "warrior" type character as opposed to a princess, ya know? So even though I didn't see it, I'm a fan!
Re: so who saw Brave this weekend?
I did, not my favorite Pixar. It was DD's first movie so she did okay considering. It was too much a Disney movie, and far less a Pixar movie. The story was a bit shallow, and they could have done a lot more with it. The whole tag line of changing your fate, was sort of dumb considering what happened when she did...
I dunno just my two cents.
We saw it and enjoyed it. . . but only with the big kids.
My 6yo was a bit scared of the bear scenes. . . but he was fine in the end.
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