
Need your advice...prob. tmi

Since you ladies are all knowing...maybe you can help me out.

This is prob. TMI but I need some advice. So I have my first post-partum period when my DS was 11mo. He is now 14mo. and I have not had one going on 4 mo. He is still nursing once a day. Do you ladies think that I should wait until after I fully wean him to see I "become normal" or do you think its my *&%$#%^ PCOS and I should start taking meds again...and yes before anyone asks..I have POAS and it was negative.


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Re: Need your advice...prob. tmi

  • I would say that it is probably due to still BF. It's possible that your PCOS will resume, but for right now I would say it's most likely due to breastfeeding.

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  • Could very well be breastfeeding. I can't really give advice because the pill messed me up. I was on the low dose pill when I got AF at 3 months, then switched to the mini pill and didn't have AF again until 10 months, then went off and didn't have AF until 14 months. Stupid pill really messed me up.
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  • Thank you for the info. I'm really hoping that its just bf...I really dont want to go back on meds..
    246766_10151109110708553_251854356_n Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Pregnancy Ticker
  • I had a random period when my son was still breastfeeding and then nothing until I weaned. Then I started getting a "normal" period every 6 weeks. (That's as regular as I've been since I was like 15.) I had PCOS, but getting pregnant seems to have fixed it for me. I thought it was coming back since I had a negative pregnancy test and my period was missing, then I tested again 3 weeks later and it turned out to be baby number two stopping things up.
  • Unless you are TTC, or it's bothering you, I wouldn't worry about it.  It probably is BF related, and I would wait until I had weaned fully to worry. 
  • Yeah, I'm still BFing and have PCOS and mine are all over the place.  I just finished my 3rd pp period and there was like a 50-day gap between 1 and 2, and then a 90-day gap between 2 and 3. 

    We're not TTC so I'm just not worrying about it right now.

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