The only reason I ask if because I'm currently pregnant with a baby that has anencephaly, which is fatal. I know my husband and I will want to try again but I'm doing research to find out when we should....and when we are emotionally ready.
I know that I will need a C-Section because my baby also has a severe omphalocele...anyways....I'm choosing to carry this baby for as long as I can.
Thanks, Kelsey
Re: When is it safe to get pregnant after a C-Sec?
My OB when I was pregnant with LO said 6 months after I gave birth.
We moved out of state, so I have a new OB. This OB said wait till LO turned 1 yr to try for the 2nd one.
<a href="" title="Parenting Advice"><img src="" alt=" BabyFruit Ticker" border="0" /></a>
Ditto everyone else. I think it's 6 months to a year depending on how you are healing.
Sorry to hear about your LO.
I'm so sorry about your LO. I agree that the Loss board will likely have some encouraging words for you, or at least be a place you can safely vent.
Like pp, I too got pregnant again 4 months after my c-section and am scheduled for my 2nd c-section in 4 weeks. So far so good. My Dr. did not seem concerned.
July, 2010, DH SA: 3% morph
July, 2010, DH Rx: 50 mg Clomid EOD
BFP: 9/3/10 ~ M/C: 9/7/10
BFP: 10/9/10 ~ My beautiful Grace Dorothy was born on 6/14/11
Beta #1 (12 DPO): 111/24 ~ Beta #2 (16 DPO): 722/23 ~ Beta #3 (20 DPO): 3,338/15.3
BFP: 11/14/11 ~ Spotting/Betas not doubling, but HB of 113 bpm @ 6 wks 1 day!
My Chart
DH's Low Testosterone/ED Blog