
Free beer

Someone left a case of good beer below a shopping cart in the corral. Do I take it or leave it?


Re: Free beer

  • I'm not gonna steal! If it were me who left it, I would be pissed if I came back and found it was gone.


  • Dang it, I came in here thinking you had a coupon for somewhere, like a BOGO at a bar or something.  Wink

    If it were me, I would give it back to the customer service desk.  If it were me that left a case of beer at the store I would definitely come back for it and then I would look like less of an idiot if someone actually had brought back a case.  Also, I would be afraid in your position that there was a hidden camera show waiting to make me look like a lying sack of you know what.

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  • I would bring it back inside. If I left a case of beer I would be back! 

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  • I thought about taking it inside but I already had my stuff packed up in the car and a tot in my arms. I thought if I had left something I would've come back to the place I left it. 

     ETA: Sorry, no free beer guys!


  • It's your lucky day.  < ----- morally corrupt
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  • How does someone put all their groceries in their car, and then push their cart to the corral WITHOUT knowing there was still beer in the cart!?

    Honestly, if i was with my kids, i would have left it. If i were by myself, i would have brought it in. 

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  • imagecrystalbaby:
    I thought that this was going to be like the free compliments and fortunes posts.  A beer would've really completed this day of awesome freebies.

    Haha! I was thinking the same... :) 

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  • I would turn it in. That person is to probably going to go back to the store for it. Store will most likely replace it. Returning it keeps the stores costs down, which keeps the rces down.

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  • imagezuzupj4:
    I would take it into the store.

    Me too.
    It would be useless to me. 

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