I'll be 3 weeks pp on Wednesday & I haven't driven yet or lifted anything heavier than DD (was 9lbs 8oz last week). I know that if I go anywhere w/ DD (but not with DH or anyone else) that I'll have to lift her while in her car seat. The doc said that lifting constrictions are only for the first 2 weeks. I've had a really easy recovery so far. Was anyone else afraid to lift this soon?
Re: Afraid to lift DD in car seat
fka +diana+
bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!
beta @ 5w0d = 12,026! u/s 4/22/14 @ 8w1d it's twins!
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I first lifted DD in the carseat at 3 weeks. I was terrified I would pop something. Before I drove I went out to the car and sat in the driver's seat and pressed the pedals--car was off--to make sure it didn't hurt. I took it very slow and didn't walk very far with her while carrying. I did bleed more that day b/c I did more lifting and I went shopping so I did a lot more walking. Your body will tell you to slow down if you are over doing it. I figured I had to do it sometime. I have been making a point to do it once or twice a week since.
My /Chart; BFP 3/8/11 CP 3/16/11; 7/11 HSG & S/A both clear;
Cycle 12~ 50 mg Clomid=BFP 9/9/11, Beta #1=280 & Beta #2=1513, 6w3d hb=122 bpm/ 8w2d hb=186 bpm/12w2d could not hear hb had a 3rd u/s and got to see the hb. 16w2d heard the hb! 156 bpm. A/S 1/3=girl
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