
Afraid to lift DD in car seat

I'll be 3 weeks pp on Wednesday & I haven't driven yet or lifted anything heavier than DD (was 9lbs 8oz last week). I know that if I go anywhere w/ DD (but not with DH or anyone else) that I'll have to lift her while in her car seat. The doc said that lifting constrictions are only for the first 2 weeks. I've had a really easy recovery so far. Was anyone else afraid to lift this soon?  

Re: Afraid to lift DD in car seat

  • Nope. I was lifting my then 2.5 YO pretty much as soon as I got home. Carefully, but still.  Lift with your knees and listen to your body.
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    fka +diana+
  • I'm 2.5 weeks PP and I haven't lifted LO in his carseat yet either.  H has gone anywhere with me that I've needed to go so far.  I figure this coming week, I'll start venturing out on my own which means lifting the carseat.  My recovery's gone very well as well, so it should be fine.
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  • Nah.  I lifted DS in his car seat about two weeks after I had him (when I could drive again).  Of course, DS was only 5 lb 14oz full term, so he was pretty light.  Listen to your body, like PP said:)
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  • I would be careful I tried to start getting out and doing things on my own at 4 weeks (I had people here with me while H was at work until then) and by the end of the week, I wasn't doing all that much just going out to the grocery store or Target 1 time per day, I was in terrible pain and back at the doctor with crazy bleeding. She said it was because I was lifting him and his seat and all that too much and they recommend nothing over 10 pounds until 6-8 weeks. At 4 weeks my baby was just over 11 pounds and she said I could lift him only absolutely not him in the seat. Yay for being home bound for an extra couple weeks. Just enjoy the extra cuddle time soon your baby will be too big to sleep on your chest. They grow so fast, mine is over 5 months now.
  • I lifted my LO is his car seat about 2 weeks out and it was fine.  Just take it slow and easy.
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  • Why don't you start out with something smaller and work your way up? Like, try the seat by itself, twisting and lifting like you're putting it in the car. Then put a 3lb weight in it, then 5, etc.? I don't know. I lifted DD in her car seat around 3 wks pp and carried her two blocks to go out for lunch.


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  • I was 3 weeks pp when I first ventured out alone with DS. DH took 3 weeks off of work, so it was just me and DS and don't worry, your body will tell you when you're doing too much. Don't be afraid to lift the carseat. You can do it.
  • k4slr6k4slr6 member

    I first lifted DD in the carseat at 3 weeks.  I was terrified I would pop something.  Before I drove I went out to the car and sat in the driver's seat and pressed the pedals--car was off--to make sure it didn't hurt.  I took it very slow and didn't walk very far with her while carrying.  I did bleed more that day b/c I did more lifting and I went shopping so I did a lot more walking.  Your body will tell you to slow down if you are over doing it.  I figured I had to do it sometime.  I have been making a point to do it once or twice a week since.

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  • I started at a little past 2 weeks. I found that the snugride carriage was perfect since it was so light and I was able to just lift the car seat into the carriage and go from there. You can also put the seat in the car and then put the baby in like that. Just take it slow and listen to your body.
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