
Anyone have a thrower?

Not just food, everything, and the girl doesn't even have to be mad. I think she's validating gravity or something. If she does it twice I take whatever she's throwing away, but she doesn't care because she wasn't really playing with it to begin with. If she does it in anger or at someone she sits in the chair for 2 mins, but it doesn't even slow her down. This has been going on for forever and it's really starting to grate on me. Any advice? Maybe I should start encouraging it and she could become an Olympic shot putter :P
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Re: Anyone have a thrower?

  • Yup. 

    My LO throws everything. All the time.  We take it away after one throw or offer to go outside and play a throwing game with her.


  • DS is like a ball machine. He throws everything. I had to take away his crayons, money, alphabet magnets and farm animals because they were everywhere. He throws shoes at the dogs over the baby gate or chases them around the house. If he wants a story you get a book to the face. I just take away what he is throwing and distract him some other way.
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  • Lately, if he throws AT someone (including the dog - the usual target) I have him say "sorry" (or "dowwy") to the dog, then walk him over to pick up the object and walk him back to put the object away. 

    I have no idea if this will reduce the throwing, but it seems to be enough of a distraction that he stops throwing for the moment.  

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