I'm starting to freak myself out, now, and I haven't even been pregnant for a week yet.
My first Beta on Wednesday was a 13. On Friday, my 2nd Beta was a 20. Since then, I've continued to POAS, in the hopes that the line would get darker and then I would know that my levels were rising okay and I wouldn't need a third Beta.
But my lines aren't getting darker-- in fact, this morning's looked fainter than yesterday's.
I work tomorrow, so I'm hoping I get called off for low census-- even though we need the money-- just so I can get my third Beta done. I'm going to be heartbroken if this doesn't work out, but I think I'm going to lose my mind if I have to wait a while to find out...
Has anyone else had low numbers or something similar but it worked out okay?
Re: I think I've traded my TTC crazy for Pregnancy crazy...
I needed to hear that. Seriously.
I may not be able to run a beta until Tuesday, so I need to get out of my head...
<br /> My Ovulation Chart</a>
Step away from the pee sticks !! :-)
I appreciate how nervous you are, we have all been in your position and yes I also drove myself crazy doing the same thing. I will say the line doesn't always get darker so try not to read too much into it.
Good luck with your next beta!
See this I did not know! I always see the galleries full of progressively darker pee stick lines.
I think it's pretty clear that I'm not a patient person by nature. The waiting is the hardest part for me. This is going to be a long 36 weeks!
<br /> My Ovulation Chart</a>
I try to troll the posts to see if the question has been asked-- and if I don't see it but think it may be asked already, I try to preface it with "this may have already been asked..."
And skydiving? Puhlease-- there is no reason to jump out of a perfectly-functioning plane. Ever. MH might disagree with me, but he was in the Army and used to do things like march 30 miles in the heat only to then sit up all night in the rain in the middle of a field. So his opinion can't be trusted...
(And thanks, Hijoi-- I miss the ladies of the TTC > 35 board a lot but I don't want them to have to see my ticker all the time so I'm trying to refrain from posting there. I miss their support and want them to graduate here!)
<br /> My Ovulation Chart</a>
Aww... I miss your posts and Daniele, your ticker is welcome anytime. Try not to worry. You are KU. Right? Come visit us "young ladies" whenever the mood strikes. wishing you a very awesomely fantastic 9 months!!!
I understand your Pregnancy crazy, you are not alone!...and can I just say how happy I am that I get to read all of your posts over here on PG35!
Your comic relief is often just what we all need, so I'm sure the TTC35 ladies would miss it if you didn't post there anymore.