So I read on another (singleton) board that someone was trying to figure out when a baby should "know" what their name is and respond.
Is this a problem with twins since you are constantly using 2 names? I try to call them by name, but I worry they get confused if (for example) I am talking to the one playing on the floor while holding the other.
I haven't noticed them really respond to their names (I mean they will smile at me, but not sure if that is them noticing their name or not.....I personally think not).
I guess I thought "responding to their name" wouldn't happen till closer to a year or so, when they start talking a little, though I really have no idea as a first time mom.
Re: Twins learning their names?
For a long time, my girls would respond to both names. Even now, at 18 mo., when a stranger calls one of their names, they both look. If it's me, they will respond to their own name and not the other. I guess, maybe when it's a different voice, they are both curious, so they both respond. It's funny because people always try to call their name to figure out who's who, but it doesn't work (even if just one of them is standing there and the person calls the other name, the baby that is standing there will respond as if it's her name). Confuses people!
It's hard because they're always sitting next to each other, etc. They will get it eventually. Don't worry about it.
I worry about this too, because I say "sissy" a lot when talking about the other twin.
ID Twin girls 04/2012
Baby #3 Due Jan. 2017
At this point, my girls respond to both names. I know they'll get it eventually. I do try to use their names when speaking to them as often as possible.
mars - We also say "sissy"
I think this is something that will just work itself out. We've always tried to refer to them by their names (or a variety of nicknames), and they definitely know which one's which at this point. That said, they refuse to say their own names. One calls herself, "Me", the other calls herself, "Baby". They also refer to each other this way. "I not Me, I Baby!". They also refer to each other as "sister", and their older half-sister as "Sissy".
They can say hippopotamus and talk in full paragraphs, but I can't get them to say their own names (or each other's) to save my life, LOL!
This is actually something that really surprised me! I thought it would take much much longer for my girls to know their names because they are always right next to each other and very rarely alone. But I started noticing around 10ish months that they each would respond to their own name as opposed to the other's name. I have noooo idea how they ever figured it out, but they did! Babies are way smarter than I ever thought! lol