Cloth Diapering

Please help me solve my stink issue

We have been CDing for about a year and recently have started having some major stink issues, both ammonia and barn yard.  We started out using Rockin' Green, but I didn't feel it was getting the diapers clean, so we switched to Tide powder about 3 months in.  We have a FL HE washer and my wash routine is as follows:

Warm rinse

Hot wash with tide powder (halfway to 1st line)

multiple warm rinses until I don't see any suds

 I have tried increasing the amount of Tide I use, but I already have to use so many rinses to get the suds out and it didn't seem to make a difference. 

Could this be buildup?  Do I need to strip them? 

Any suggestions for a different detergent that might work better with my HE FL?



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Re: Please help me solve my stink issue

  • I would strip your diapers with RLR. I had the same stink issues as you when I was using RnG, and the RLR got rid of the stink.

    You can fill up a bathtub or your wash tub with hot water, your clean diapers and the RLR, agitate, let sit over night and then rinse and wash the diapers like you normally would until there are no suds.

    I couldn't use Tide since it gave my DD a rash, so I use Tiny Bubbles now. I don't have any issues with stink even with my hard water. You could also try using a little more Tide after the strip and see if that helps with your stink issues.


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  • I would strip your diapers and start again with a new detergent.

    My routine is this: Quick wash cold (no detergent), Hot wash with heavy soil load and extra rinse options (1 scoop Tiny Bubbles detergent).

    What size loads are you washing and how often?  I like doing the quick wash instead of a rinse because the extra aggitation cleans the diapers better.  Whenever I have down a warm pre-wash I get a barnyard smell.  I don't know why, so I always do cold to start.

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  • imagebugandbibs:

    I would strip your diapers and start again with a new detergent.

    My routine is this: Quick wash cold (no detergent), Hot wash with heavy soil load and extra rinse options (1 scoop Tiny Bubbles detergent).

    What size loads are you washing and how often?  I like doing the quick wash instead of a rinse because the extra aggitation cleans the diapers better.  Whenever I have down a warm pre-wash I get a barnyard smell.  I don't know why, so I always do cold to start.

    I wash every 2-3 days, approx 15-20 diapers.  I think I'm going to do a strip, since I have never done one before, and then go from there. 

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  • I agree, strip and start over.  Also, find a way to get more water in your washer.  While barnyard is typically not enough detergent, it could just be poop oil build up that isn't fully washing out.  A popular trick is a wet towel in with your diapers to trick your washer. 

    I also use Tiny Bubbles. 




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