Working Moms

XP (NWMR) anyone use Paragard?

Both DH and I feel that our family is complete with two kiddos, however he is ridiculously phobic about all things medical and turns pale at the thought of a vasectomy (which really annoys me to be honest).  I had my 6 week check yesterday, and the contraceptive conversation took place.  Given that I do not do well with hormones, my OB suggested Paragard.  Anyone use it?  Pros, cons?  TIA!
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Re: XP (NWMR) anyone use Paragard?

  • I had it for 5 years and have it now and never had a problem with it.I like the fact that it doesn't contain any hormones and it didn't have any effects on bf ds.
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  • aglennaglenn member
    I've got it, and no issues so far.  Of course, AF has yet to return and I hear that it may make that a lot heavier, so we'll see.
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  • I've had it since 8 weeks post baby (so about 15 months) and I'm happy with it. I've had 4 or 5 periods and they're slightly heavier than before, but nothing crazy. I have tried all sorts of other BC in the past and wish someone had suggested this to me much earlier. Although reading online had me nervous about insertion, it was fine.
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  • Only side effect is heavier periods. Otherwise I love it.
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  • I liked having it, but I had to get it out because I was bleeding for about 3 out of the 4 weeks every month.  
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  • ns1ns1 member

    I have it and like it.  I like the idea of no hormones, I can't tell it's there, and I don't have to remember to do anything special!  I haven't had a PP period yet (PCOS and bf'ing) so I can't speak to what I've heard are heavier periods because of it.  

    I did have to have it reinserted after it was not in properly the first time because I have a "severely" antiverted uterus apparently.  This was just kind of annoying, but not really painful or anything.  They just put a new one in the second time using an ultrasound to ensure it was placed correctly.  So, if you have a tilted uterus you may want to make the dr. aware of this! 

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  • I like not having the hormones. The only cons are heavier periods, stronger cramps, and spotting throughout the month. I've had it in for about 9 months and I feel like I'm just now starting to not spot constantly. This literally has been the first Month that I haven't had to wear a pantyliner the entire time off my period. I have heard that for most women this stops about 3 months after placement, I'm just one of the lucky few.

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  • imageaglenn:
    I've got it, and no issues so far.  Of course, AF has yet to return and I hear that it may make that a lot heavier, so we'll see.

    I'm on my 6th post partum AF with Paraguard.  They find it a lot heavier, almost to the point that I'm wondering if I would do better back on a hormonal based BC.  I'm seriously considering switching at this point.  I had a Paraguard put in between my 2 kids and don't remember it being as bad as this time around.  I am going to give it a few more months (I've had it in for a little over a year but only started getting AF back when my son was about 12 months, he's 18 months now).  I don't know though if the heavier is due to the Paraguard or some other factor (like my body simply changing or something!), but I'm going to wait and see a few more months and then go back and talk to my GYN

    Two kids..5 and 2
  • Really like the Paragard, inserted 2 months ago. I have not had heavy periods and I really like the no hormones. 
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